The Journey of Chai: From India to the US Market

Unit 6: I = Interviewer, Ah = Amanda Hamilton

Understanding Chai and Its Origins

I: Now, just explain exactly what chai is and how you came about it.

AH: Chai, um, is actually a generic word for ‘tea’, and in India, chai has been drunk for centuries in the same way that we would drink a normal cup of tea. It’s a blend of spices mixed with milk, sugar, and black tea. In India, it’s traditionally boiled on the side of, um, train stations in huge woks where they’ve freshly boiled the ingredients

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Animal Farm: Chapters 8-10 Summary and Analysis

Chapter 8: The Rise of Comrade Napoleon

Napoleon’s ego inflates, demanding to be addressed as “Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon.” Following the bloody executions, the animals discover a subtle alteration to the commandment: “No animal shall kill any other animal” now reads, “No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.” As before, the animals attribute the change to their faulty memories.

The animals toil relentlessly to rebuild the windmill, enduring hunger and cold. Squealer, however, presents

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Interview Insights: A Young Candidate’s Perspective

  • Good morning, take a seat, please.

  • Thank you.

  • I have carefully read your resume and I see you are a high school student.

  • Yes, I am currently taking the science program and I also hold a certificate as a leisure and free time counselor.

  • That’s fine. Why are you interested in this job?

  • I was highly motivated to apply for this job because I really enjoy spending my time with children and taking care of them. It would be a pleasure for me to get this job as a camp monitor.

  • What is your greatest strength?

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Mastering English Conditionals, Grammar, and Vocabulary

Second Conditional

If + subject + past simple + subject + would + infinitive (without ‘to’).

If I were a rich man, I would buy a magic pill to learn English in a week.

Defining Relative Clauses

He is the man who (that) invented the World Wide Web.

This is the system which (that) I told you about.

That is the place where we buy our computers.

  • who, quien (for people)
  • which, cual (for things)
  • whose, de quien (for possession)
  • where, donde (for places)
  • when, cuando (for time)
  • that, que (for people and things)


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Basic English Q&A: Grammar and Vocabulary

Basic English Questions and Answers

Everyday Preferences and Simple Present

Do you like chicken? Fish? Meat?
Yes, I do.

Does your father like sports?
Yes, he does.

Does your mother cook?
No, she doesn’t.

Do you like traveling by plane?
No, I don’t.

Do you like skiing? Swimming?
Yes, I do.

Do you like opera music? Rock music? Pop music?
No, I don’t like that kind of music.

Do you like wine? Fruit juice? Liqueur?
Yes, I do.

Do you like peanuts? Cheese? Yogurt?
No, I don’t.

Simple Present and Past Simple Practice


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Mastering English: Grammar, Phrases, and Usage

Mastering English: Grammar and Usage

Modal Verbs: Could vs. Was Able To

When I was a child, my father could

I got the job because I was able to

My grandmother could

During the weekend, we were able to

I called her many times during the week, but I wasn’t able to contact her. Finally, I was able to

When my siblings and I were very young, we didn’t go on vacation because we couldn’t afford it. We worked very hard all together and were able to go on our first trip to the coast.

We left home

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