The Sculptor’s Journey: A Tale of Mystery and Courage

The Cathedral

By Cesar Mallorquí

SM, Wide Angle Collection

203 Pages
  • Plot…3
  • Main Characters…5
  • Ideas or Topics…6
  • Reasoned Criticism…7


Telmo and his father worked side by side as stonemasons. Telmo’s father rarely paused, even for lunch, so focused was he on his work. On the morning of Telmo’s fourteenth birthday, he woke later than usual. While he worked at the site with his father, his mother prepared a celebratory chicken and a hearty breakfast. In his spare time, Telmo began carving

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Reflections on Love and Life: A Journey of Emotions

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted—one moment—would you capture it or just let it slip?

You have a lifetime ahead, plenty of time.

Not shown, but who listens to his heart knows what it feels. Pride for having done something right. A bitter memory for the person who has destroyed lives. A huge void, not having truly loved. Anger, not knowing if a broken heart ever heals. But if you have faith, you can reattach the pieces. Just never know how much it
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Reflections on Love and Life: A Poetic Journey

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted—one moment—would you capture it or just let it slip?

You have a lifetime ahead, plenty of time.

Not shown, but who listens to his heart knows what it feels. Pride for having done something right. A bitter memory for the person who has destroyed lives. A huge void, not having truly loved. Anger, not knowing if a broken heart ever heals. But if you have faith, you can reattach the pieces. Just never know how much it
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Reflections on Love and Life

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted—one moment—would you capture it or just let it slip?

Have a lifetime ahead, plenty of time.

Not shown, but who listens to his heart knows what it feels. Pride for having done something right. A bitter memory for the person who has destroyed lives. A huge void, not having truly loved. Anger, not knowing if a broken heart ever heals. But if you have faith, you can reattach the pieces. Just never know how much it will
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Reflections on Love and Life

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted—one moment—would you capture it or just let it slip?

Have a lifetime ahead, plenty of time.

Not shown, but who listens to his heart knows what it feels. Pride for having done something right. A bitter memory for the person who has destroyed lives. A huge void, not having truly loved. Anger, not knowing if a broken heart ever heals. But if you have faith, you can reattach the pieces. Just never know how much it will
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Reflections on Love and Life: A Journey of Emotions

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted—one moment—would you capture it or just let it slip?

You have a lifetime ahead, plenty of time.

Not shown, but who listens to his heart knows what it feels. Pride for having done something right. A bitter memory for the person who has destroyed lives. A huge void, not having truly loved. Anger, not knowing if a broken heart ever heals. But if you have faith, you can reattach the pieces. Just never know how much it
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