Pip’s Journey: Ambition, Love, and Redemption

Pip’s Early Life and Encounters

Pirrip Phillip “Pip” is an orphan from a lower class, living with his sister and her husband in an English village. One day, he encounters an escaped convict who asks him for food and a file. Pip complies, unaware that this act will forever alter his life.

Months later, a wealthy old woman, Mrs. Havisham, invites him to play at her home, a pivotal event. He becomes aware of a world beyond his village and meets Estella, a young girl raised by Mrs. Havisham. Pip falls

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Relationships, Travel, Transport & Education Vocabulary

Family and Relationships

Acquaintance: A person whom one knows casually.

Anniversary: The date of an important past event that is celebrated.

Community: A locality inhabited by people.

Couple: Two persons, such as a married pair or dance partners.

Destiny: The events that will happen to a person or thing in the future.

Engagement: A formal agreement to get married.

Flatmate: A person who shares a flat with others.

Generation Household: All the people of about the same age within a society or a particular

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Mastering English Verb Tenses

Simple Present

Simple Present is used to express routines, habits, and general truths. It can also express future time in a sentence, concerning events that are on a definite schedule (time). It states that something was, is, or will be true.

  • I/you/we/they: Subject + verb base + complement.
  • Subject + do/does not + verb base + complement.
  • He/she/it: Subject + verb (s, es) + complement.
  • Does/Do + subject + verb base + complement?

Present Progressive

Present Progressive expresses an activity that is in progress

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Understanding Conditionals, Passive Voice, and Inversions


Zero Conditional: If + present simple, present simple. We use it for universal truths or situations that always happen.

First Conditional: Unless/If + present simple, future simple/modal verb/imperative. We use it for probable or unlikely situations. If the condition is met, the result will occur.

Second Conditional: Unless/If + past simple, would/could/might + infinitive verb. It is used for unlikely situations. It is also used to give advice (If I were…).

Third Conditional: If + past

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Halloween Horror: A Teen Tragedy Unfolds

Amy normally hated Monday mornings, but this year was different. Kamal was in her art class, and she liked Kamal. She was waiting outside the classroom when her friend Tara arrived.

“Hi Amy! Your mum sent me a text. You forgot your inhaler. Why don’t you turn your phone on?” Amy didn’t like technology. She never sent text messages, and she hated Facebook too.

“Did Kamal ask you to the disco?” Tara was Amy’s best friend, and she wanted to know everything that was happening in Amy’s

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Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility: A Novel of Love and Social Norms

Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility

About the Author

Jane Austen (December 16, 1775 – July 18, 1817) was an English novelist renowned for her wit and social commentary. Her works offer insightful glimpses into the lives of women in the early 19th century. Born in Steventon, Hampshire, she was one of eight children. She began writing as a teenager and her family later moved to Bath. After her father’s death in 1805, Austen, her sister Cassandra, and their mother settled in Chawton.

Austen’s Publications


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