English Irregular Verbs List: A Complete Guide

English Irregular Verbs List

Infinitive, Past Simple, Past Participle, and Meaning

InfinitivePast SimplePast ParticipleMeaning
arisearosearisenlevantarse; surgir
bewas/werebeenser, estar
bearborebornsoportar; llevar
beatbeatbeatengolpear; vencer
becomebecamebecomellegar a ser; convertirse
bendbentbentdoblar, flexionar
bindboundboundvendar; encuadernar
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Complete English Irregular Verb List: A Comprehensive Guide

Complete English Irregular Verb List

Infinitive, Past Simple, and Past Participle

This comprehensive list provides the infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms of common English irregular verbs, along with their meanings.

InfinitivePast SimplePast ParticipleMeaning
arisearosearisento rise; to emerge
awakeawokeawokento wake up
bewas/werebeento be
bearborebornto endure; to carry
beatbeatbeatento hit; to defeat
becomebecamebecometo become
beginbeganbegunto begin
bendbentbentto bend
betbetbetto bet
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Blood Wedding: Summary, Characters, and Analysis

Blood Wedding


The main plot of the book revolves around an upcoming wedding that will unite the Bridegroom and the Bride. However, tragedy looms and prevents the marriage from being consummated. The Bride, who had suppressed her love for Leonardo, reawakens her feelings when she sees her former lover on her wedding day.

The play highlights the conflict between two families: the Bridegroom’s family, including his mother who lost her husband and a son because of the other family; and Leonardo’s

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The Metamorphosis: Gregor Samsa’s Transformation

The Metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa

A Restless Awakening

One morning, after a restless sleep, Gregor Samsa awoke transformed into a monstrous insect. His numerous legs moved uncontrollably, and everything indicated that it was not a dream. The clock showed half-past six, and his train had left at five. He couldn’t understand how he could have overslept when his alarm clock, loud enough to rattle the furniture, went off every day at four. But this was no time to mourn; he had to get up or lose his job.

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Understanding Verb Forms: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Verb Forms

Introduction to Verb Properties

Verbal forms possess key properties:

  • Person: First, Second, or Third Person
  • Number: Singular or Plural
  • Mode: Indicative or Subjunctive
  • Aspect: Perfective or Imperfective

Verbal Moods

Indicative Mood

The indicative mood grounds events in reality, presenting them as objective facts.

Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood expresses actions or processes as unreal or existing only in the speaker’s mind.

Verbal Aspects

Perfective Aspect

The perfective aspect portrays

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Carmen Sotillo’s Lament: A Widow’s Monologue

as was the mentality of people during the war and the difficult situation where you are. So we have a novel in which Carmen Sotillo, our protagonist, has just lost her husband, Mario. This, however, there appears to be dead, something that is proud to Carmen. It starts with the family viewing, where family visits take place and friends who exaggerate their feelings. Above all it embodies can be seen, the sister of Mario, who made a scandal and it had to go. Carmen she was convinced that the reason

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