English Language Practice: Grammar and Vocabulary

English Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. I found Judy sitting on my doorstep when I got home.
  2. Animals thrive when there is food, water, and a lack of danger from other species.
  3. This is a complex problem which we have not been able to solve.
  4. Both animals and people have to learn to adapt to new surroundings.
  5. Most people think that foxes live in woods and fields, but they are also city-dwelling animals.
  6. As cities expand out into the countryside, there is less
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Vocabulary and Phrases: English Learning

-ED/-ING Adjectives

-ED (temporal): Describes how people feel. Example: How is John? He is bored.

-ING (permanent): Describes a characteristic of someone or something. Example: What is John like? He’s boring.


Bracelet, dyed hair, earring, glasses, ring, piercing, tattoo, sunglasses, make-up, cap, hat, handbag, watch, nail polish.


Thin, round, to have a beard/a mustache, chubby, receding hair, curly, wavy, straight, ginger, grey/white, bald, plump, stout, skinny, obese, fit, smart,

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School Sports Marathon & New York City Dreams

School Sports Marathon: A Memorable Event

A few years ago, when I was studying at IES Padre Anchieta, the end of the course included a twelve-hour-long sports marathon. It ran from eight in the morning until eight at night. At the center, we conducted various sports such as football, basketball, skating, and volleyball. The whole school, teachers and students, were involved. We had to prepare the fields for each sport, ensuring the benches and nets were well-placed, and the boundary lines were clearly

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Exploring Literary Topics: Transience, Death, and Vanity

Infinitive love, love, love this grundio indicative. Compustar have loved, loved. Imperfect/pluperfect had loved. Perfect simple love. Before I had loved. Future simple love. Future perfect conditional I would love, love. Conditional perfect subjunctive would have loved this love. Perfect compound has loved, loved or loved. Imperfect/pluperfect future would or I would have loved to love your love… Fut compound imperative has loved your mistress, mistress, love us, love you, love them.

1º p, preterite

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Unexpected Crimes: Lamb, Betrayal, and a Prank Gone Wrong

All of a sudden, the other detective, who had just come from the other bedroom and had heard her giggle, said: “Did you say something, Mrs. Maloney?” Mary began to sob again, feigning an astonishing cry. She almost started laughing, so the officers began to suspect. The four men began to look at each other, frowning and thinking the same thing: something strange happened in this house. Quickly, one of the policemen stood up and walked away from her towards the kitchen. Mary knew that the detective

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Dreams Deferred: Aspirations and Realities in A Raisin in the Sun

Dreams and Aspirations in A Raisin in the Sun

A dream is a wish, an aspiration, or a hope. Younger people have dreams for their future, and their parents have dreams for their children’s future. Mama, Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha all live under the same roof and have completely different dreams. Some affect only one person, while others have a bigger impact on many other people. Through the characters’ dreams, the author presents different points of view.

Mama’s Dream: A Home for the Family


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