English Irregular Verbs List: Present, Past & Past Participle

Irregular Verbs in English

Common Irregular Verbs

PresentSimple PastPast ParticipleTranslation (Spanish)
bewas/werebeenser o estar
catchcaughtcaughtagarrar, coger
choosechosechosenescoger, elegir
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Infant Joy and The Fly: A Comparative Analysis

Infant Joy


This poem celebrates the joy of new life. A two-day-old baby, when asked its name, replies “Joy.” The mother blesses the baby, hoping joy will fill its life.

Metrics and Structure

The poem consists of two six-line stanzas with an ABCDDC rhyme scheme, unusual for Blake. The repetition of “thee” at the end of the fourth and sixth lines emphasizes the parent’s loving concern for the child. The baby’s words, set off by dashes, create a dialogue about the naming.


The baby naming itself

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Journey to the End of Night: A Dark Descent into Humanity

Journey to the End of the Night

A Child’s Walk

After lunch, a child, after being told to take a walk, reluctantly obeyed. He started to dress, his only consolation being his brand new yellow shoes. His aunt kissed him goodbye, giving him money to buy something. He set off from the courtyard. It had rained that morning, and the child tried to keep his new shoes dry, though he was drawn to the puddles. Accustomed to walking with his hands in his pockets, whistling or chewing gum, he now found himself

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Beach Memories: Nongsa & La Caleta

Nongsa Beach: Childhood Memories

Family Fun and Fishing

I used to spend my holidays at Nongsa Beach in my hometown. It’s about an hour’s drive from the main city. I’d go there with my family and sometimes with friends. We’d plan our trips a day or two in advance, packing food like rice, chicken, snacks, and drinks. We also brought cooking equipment, and I never forgot my fishing rod.

Scenic Route and Fresh Seafood

The journey to the beach was always enjoyable. We’d admire the villages and scenery along

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San Manuel Bueno, Martyr: Analysis of Faith and Doubt

San Manuel Bueno, Martyr: An Analysis


This work explores the complexities of faith and religious belief in San Manuel Bueno, Martyr. The central theme revolves around a priest, Don Manuel, who maintains his community’s faith despite his personal disbelief in God. This secret is known only to a select few.

Other Themes

  • Angela’s profound love for Don Manuel, evident in her descriptions of him and her refusal to leave the village.
  • Don Manuel’s compassionate care for his parishioners, prioritizing
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The Alchemist: A Journey of Self-Discovery


Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd with a thirst for travel and knowledge, dreams repeatedly of a treasure near the Egyptian pyramids. A fortune teller advises him to pursue his “Personal Legend.” Intrigued, Santiago consults the King of Salem, who confirms the message and gifts him two stones, Urim and Thummim, for guidance. Heeding the call, Santiago sells his flock and embarks on a journey to fulfill his destiny.

The Journey Begins

In Andalusia, Santiago travels with his sheep,

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