English Language Key Concepts: Vocabulary and Grammar
Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar
Idioms and Expressions
I put my foot in it, he is burning the candle at both ends (trabajando sin descanso), by the skin of my teeth, actions speak louder than words, don’t judge a book by its cover.
Communication and Language Skills
Get in touch (poner en contacto), keep up to date (mantenerte al día), speak fluently, use mainly slang, become bilingual, have a strong accent, false friends, cognates, native speaker, mother tongue, second language.
Emotions and
Read MoreMastering English Grammar: Passive Voice, Conditionals, and More
Mastering English Grammar
Passive Voice
Passive Voice:
- Buy – is bought by
- Are buying – is being bought
- Bought – was bought
- Were buying – was being bought
- Have bought – has been bought
- Had bought – had been bought
- Will buy – will be bought
- Will have bought – will have been bought
- Are going to buy – is going to be bought
- Can buy – can be bought
- Has to buy – has to be bought
- Should have bought – should have been bought
- Type 0: Present, Present
- Type 1: Present + will + infinitive
- Type 2 (Imaginary)
Stories of Courage and Connection: A Heart’s Gift & Siamese Twins
The Gift
The Gift
Donna Ashlock, a 14-year-old girl from California, was very sick. She had a bad heart. “Donna needs a new heart,” her doctors said. “She must have a new heart, or she will die soon.” Felipe Garza, 15, was worried about Donna. Felipe was Donna’s friend. He liked Donna very much. He liked her freckles, and he liked her smile. Felipe didn’t want Donna to die.
Felipe talked to his mother about Donna. “I’m going to die,” Felipe told his mother, “and I’m going to give
Read MoreTension Escalates in A View from the Bridge: Act 1
A View from the Bridge: Rising Tension in Act 1
Tensions often exist in families because of arguments and disagreements between parents and their children, especially teenagers. These disagreements can be about boyfriends, the way they dress, and other generational conflicts. This is mirrored in the relationship between Eddie and Catherine Carbone in the first scene of Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge, when Eddie comments on Catherine’s skirt. “A View from the Bridge” is set in the 1950s in
Read MoreVocabulary and Phrases for Shopping and Daily Life
Essential Vocabulary: Daily Life & Shopping
Hobbies & Activities
- Pastime: Your pastime could be making jewelry.
- Make jewelry: (See above sentence).
- Office: I used to work in an office.
- Gardening: I bought some gardening gloves.
Possessions & Objects
- Belongings: Your belongings might include your MP4 player.
- Ready-made soup: I usually buy ready-made soup.
- Wood: All the furniture was made of wood.
- Curtains: My mother bought a pair of curtains.
Emotions & Situations
- Miserable: You would probably
Personal Stories and Experiences in Spain
Personal Introduction
Hello… My name is [Name], but everyone calls me [Nickname]. I’m Spanish and live in B, a town near Valencia. I’m 40 years old. I work in a factory in the maintenance department, and I also study electricity. I live with my girlfriend and my two daughters in a small flat. I also have two very nice dogs. I’m going to tell you about myself.
I have short blond hair and green eyes. I’m medium height. I sometimes grow a beard. I have many tattoos on my body; my favorites are my daughters’
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