Vocabulary and Phrases for Shopping and Daily Life

Essential Vocabulary: Daily Life & Shopping

Hobbies & Activities

  • Pastime: Your pastime could be making jewelry.
  • Make jewelry: (See above sentence).
  • Office: I used to work in an office.
  • Gardening: I bought some gardening gloves.

Possessions & Objects

  • Belongings: Your belongings might include your MP4 player.
  • Ready-made soup: I usually buy ready-made soup.
  • Wood: All the furniture was made of wood.
  • Curtains: My mother bought a pair of curtains.

Emotions & Situations

  • Miserable: You would probably
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Personal Stories and Experiences in Spain

Personal Introduction

Hello… My name is [Name], but everyone calls me [Nickname]. I’m Spanish and live in B, a town near Valencia. I’m 40 years old. I work in a factory in the maintenance department, and I also study electricity. I live with my girlfriend and my two daughters in a small flat. I also have two very nice dogs. I’m going to tell you about myself.

I have short blond hair and green eyes. I’m medium height. I sometimes grow a beard. I have many tattoos on my body; my favorites are my daughters’

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Workplace Conversations and Professions

Workplace Conversations

Scenario 1: Hotel Coincidences

Rachel: Where does your brother work?

Angela: In a hotel.

Rachel: Oh, really? My brother works in a hotel, too. He’s a front desk clerk.

Angela: How does he like it?

Rachel: He hates it. He doesn’t like the manager.

Angela: That’s too bad. What hotel does he work for?

Rachel: The Plaza.

Angela: That’s funny. My brother works there, too.

Rachel: Oh, that’s interesting. What does he do?

Angela: Actually, he’s the manager!

Scenario 2: Professions and Opinions


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Organic Farming, Texting, Sugar, Borneo, and Geishas

Organic Farming Practices

Key Points:

  1. Laura and Lawrence started a farm because they wanted to grow their own food.
  2. Laura and Lawrence’s farm in Dorset was not used to grow produce right before they bought it.
  3. According to Laura, the word “organic” implies the use of farming methods that do not cause environmental damage.
  4. The Soil Association decides whether produce can be called organic.
  5. The Soil Association symbol can only be obtained if your farming practices are approved by its inspectors.
  6. Laura and
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Heart of Darkness: A Summary and Analysis

A large group awoke in the middle of the night. The natives were attacking, and a thick fog made it impossible to see anything. The cannibals wanted to eat them, but Marlow prevented it, even though they had endured a season without food. He only gave them a piece of wire and other utensils for them to eat or trade as needed. (The author explains that he understood why they were given these items rather than food, but also acknowledged that they were very formal in payment and always performed on

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Mastering Receptive and Productive Skills in Class

Receptive and Productive Skills

How to Prepare Students Before a Task

To prepare students effectively before any task, consider the following steps:

  • Introduce the topic: Use visual aids like cards or pictures to spark interest. Engage students in a discussion with guiding questions.
  • Encourage prediction: Ask students to predict the content of the text or the words that might be used.
  • Pre-teach vocabulary: Review or introduce essential vocabulary and language structures.
  • Clarify the objective: Ensure students
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