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14 When learners are allowed to interact freely (for example, in group or pair activities), they copy each other’s mistakes: If the activities are well designed and learners are appropriately matched, pair and group work provides far more practice in speaking and participating in conversations than a teacher-centred class ever could. Somewhat surprisingly, research has shown that learners do not produce any more errors in their speech when talking to learners at similar levels of proficiency than
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The notion of democracy deficit within the European Union has been widely used referring to a variety of factors affecting the European democratic process. Before to move forward into the critical assessment of those factors, it is worth to mention where the concept of democracy comes from and how the European Union has approached it since its establishment.
The term democracy comes from the Greek term demos (=people) and its literal translation to English would be “rule by the people”; it therefore
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1.Expos: -visual and verbal identity and symbols -Product Appearance -Enviroment -Web sites -Communications -People -Co-branding3.Corporate Philosophy: To define this we have to reset to: What do I do? Where do I want to go? How do I do it?
-Corporate Phulosophy (components):+ Mission: respond to what do I do.+ Vision: respond
O. Wilde (Dublin, 1854 -Paris, 1900)
Dublin – scholarship to study at the Magdalen College in Oxford
Relations with Walter Pater, father of Aestheticism (Art for Art’s sake). Newsdigate Prize for Ravenna.
London- Vera– “Apostle of Aestheticism”, fame for his eccentricity
Tour to the USA – Went to live in Paris (The Duchess of Padua)
1884- He married Constance Mary. (poetry/ prose).
Back to London- his fame as an eccentric, homosexual and conversationalist grew.
He wrote poetry, short stories,
FASCISM AND NATIONALSOCIALISM: Mussolini wrote the principle of work for the national good into the Italian Labor Charter which he promulgated in 1927. The ends of the Italian nation are “superior to those of the separate individuals which comprise it”. “Work in all its forms… is a social duty”. Production “has a single object, namely, the well-being of individuals and the development of national power.// Hitler said in 1928 that Germany was a people “torn into two parts”. Its
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1.disturbed, annoyed, troubled: VEXED
2. careful, cautious, leery: WARY
3. boldness, daring, brazenness: AUDACITY
4. withheld, repressed, held back: REFRAINED
5. forcefully, passionately, furiously: VEHEMENTLY
6. smoothness, politeness, fine manners: SUAVITY
7. gestures, wild movements, spasms: GESTICULATIONS
8. scorn, ridicule, contempt: DERISION
9. sharp, sensitive, severe: ACUTE
10. intelligence, smarts, good sense: SAGACITY
Reading Comprehension
1. Why does the narrator decide to
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