The Bluest Eye: Impact of White Beauty Standards on Black Lives

The Bluest Eye offers an extended depiction of the ways in which internalized white beauty standards deform the lives of Black girls and women. Implicit messages that whiteness is superior are everywhere. The novel follows the abolitionist and traditionalist novel, and there are multiple narrative voices. It is characterized as a bildungsroman. Furthermore, the novel concentrates on two topics: the highlight of the notion of racism and classism.

Pecola’s Struggle with Beauty Standards

The person who

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T.S. Eliot’s Poetic Techniques: Fragmentation and Scavenging

T.S. Eliot’s Use of Fragmentation and Juxtaposition

A key characteristic of this poem is its use of fragmentation and juxtaposition. Eliot maintained his interest in fragmentation throughout his career, adapting the technique in his works. Here, the subjects undergoing fragmentation are mental focus and imagery. In The Waste Land, it is modern culture that splinters. In the Four Quartets, we see fragments of philosophical systems. Eliot’s use of formal structure suggests that fragmentation, though

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