Urban and Demographic Concepts: Spain’s Territorial Structure

Key Urban and Demographic Concepts


Demographic Desert:

CBD (Central Business District): The Central Business District is where the main commercial and financial activities take place. Most buildings are offices; not many are houses. There are lots of skyscrapers.

Natality: Natality is the number of people born over a year in a particular area.

Active Population:

City Functions

The Functions of a City

Residential: A common function of all cities.

Political and Administrative: A function of cities

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Demographic Analysis: Rates, Factors, and Population Trends

Demography: The Study of Human Population

Demography is the scientific study of human population. Demographers use a number of demographic rates to measure population. By comparing all these rates, they can analyse population growth and trends as well as its present-day characteristics.

Key Demographic Rates

  • The birth rate is the number of births per 1,000 people in an area over a year. Formula: (Annual births / Total population) x 1000
  • The fertility rate is the average number of babies born to women
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Spain’s Fishing Industry: Regions, Methods, and Challenges

Spain’s Fishing Industry

Fishing is one of the most important primary industries in Spain, despite the outsourcing of the economy. Among the factors that determine this, the abundance of coasts is highlighted first: as a peninsula, facing the sea on three sides, Spain has exploited marine resources of different features from two seas: the Atlantic and Cantabrian, with colder waters, and the Mediterranean, with warmer waters and increased salinity. This is why Spain is in one of the first places in

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Mining Impacts, Transportation, and Climate Classification

Impacts of Mining Activity

Direct Impacts

Direct impacts are associated with minimal changes to the smooth development of the overall production process.

Indirect Impacts

Indirect impacts are associated with the linkages that mining irradiates but are not necessarily or exclusively oriented to the particle saltpeter mining process. A large northern modeler is copper.


The Geography of Movement extends its field of study to the general movements or groups of men or goods that reach a breadth

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Understanding Spain’s Economy: Sectors, Resources & Labor

Labor Force

The labor force includes all persons 16 years and older who provide labor for the production of goods and/or services, are available, and make efforts to join the working world. It comprises people who are employed and those who are seeking employment. In Spain, there was a marked increase in the labor force from 1987, due to the active incorporation of women into the workplace. In 2008, the population had a high number of workers, mainly because of the labor of young people born during

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Industrial Revolution: Causes, Impact, and Social Change

Industrial Revolution: Causes and Consequences

Key Terms

  • Industrial Revolution: The process of slow but steady change that affected the industry in addition to other economic sectors and all groups.
  • Puddling: A procedure that involves removing excess carbon in the iron to make it more resistant.
  • Laminate: Proportion that allowed sheets a better handling and modeling of iron.
  • Labor Movement: Collective actions undertaken by workers to improve their economic and political situation.
  • Luddite: Workers who
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