Spain’s Fishing Industry: History and Modern Challenges

Spain’s Fishing Industry: A Historical Perspective

Spain has been and remains a major world fishing power. This is indicated by the size of the fleet (tonnage and power), the volume of catches, and the landed value of fisheries.

Currently, the industry employs some 50,000 people working directly in fishing and another 22,000 who are engaged in the development and preservation of fish. In economic terms, fisheries contribute 0.5% of the GDP.

These data are indicative of the importance of Spanish fishing.

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The Industrial Revolution: Origins, Impact, and Social Changes

The Industrial Revolution

Concept: The Industrial Revolution is a historical process that involves changing an economy based on agriculture into one in which industrial activities dominate, thanks to the advance of new technologies and scientific discoveries, as well as by developing new economic theories such as liberalism. The origin was in England in the eighteenth century.

Factors that explain their origin:

The origin was in England

  • Physical: abundant hydropower and mineral resources
  • Economic: growth
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Sub-Saharan Africa, India, China: Geography, Politics, and Development

Political Boundaries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Legacy of Colonialism)

  • Berlin Conference (1884-85):

    • Organized by Otto von Bismarck to divide Africa among European powers without African input.
    • Borders ignored ethnic/cultural divisions, leading to conflicts.
    • Recognized King Leopold II’s Congo Free State.
  • Problems Caused by Colonial Boundaries:

    • Ethnic Conflicts: Split groups (e.g., Hutu/Tutsi in Rwanda & Burundi).
    • Economic Disparities: Uneven resource distribution; exploitation (e.g., DRC).
    • Weak National
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Primary Sector Activities: Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries

Primary Sector Activities

The primary sector encompasses activities focused on extracting resources from nature, including agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, mining, and logging.

Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution began when humans started domesticating and breeding animals for meat, fat, fur, and as draft animals.

Agricultural Area Structure

Agricultural areas consist of cultivated and inhabited spaces.

Cultivated Area

Cultivated areas are made up of plots, the basic unit of cultivation,

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Industrial Revolution’s Impact: Society, Economy, Art

The 19th Century and Impressionist Painting

1. Economic and Social Change: The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences

1.1. The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences

It begins in England in the 18th century and spread throughout Europe during the 19th century, not being a uniform expansion. The elements that identify the Industrial Revolution are:

  • Mechanization: It involves the change in force production. So far the whole process from raw material extraction or processing of manufactured products
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Industrialization in Spain: 19th Century Development

The Origins and Development of Industrialization in Spain

Industrial Change

1) Delay in Spanish Industry

In the last third of the nineteenth century, Spain remained an agrarian country. The causes were:

  • a) Lack of purchasing power of the population, especially the peasantry (the most abundant group).
  • b) Excessive protectionism demanded by Basque and Catalan industrialists.
  • c) Little technological renewal to improve competitiveness because it would increase product prices.
  • d) Lack of investment.
  • e) Poor
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