Industrial Revolution’s Impact: Society, Economy, Art

The 19th Century and Impressionist Painting

1. Economic and Social Change: The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences

1.1. The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences

It begins in England in the 18th century and spread throughout Europe during the 19th century, not being a uniform expansion. The elements that identify the Industrial Revolution are:

  • Mechanization: It involves the change in force production. So far the whole process from raw material extraction or processing of manufactured products
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Industrialization in Spain: 19th Century Development

The Origins and Development of Industrialization in Spain

Industrial Change

1) Delay in Spanish Industry

In the last third of the nineteenth century, Spain remained an agrarian country. The causes were:

  • a) Lack of purchasing power of the population, especially the peasantry (the most abundant group).
  • b) Excessive protectionism demanded by Basque and Catalan industrialists.
  • c) Little technological renewal to improve competitiveness because it would increase product prices.
  • d) Lack of investment.
  • e) Poor
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Demographic and Agrarian Changes in Spain: 1900-1930

1. Demographic Changes

1.1. The Demographic Transition

The demographic transition is a common phenomenon among industrialized countries. This demographic shift was marked first by a decline in the mortality rate and then in the birth rate. The death rate fell from 30.5% to 21.3% per thousand as a result of improved food, hygiene, and urban infrastructure. The reduction of deaths was due to the lower incidence of infectious diseases in Greece and sewer cleaning services, control of drinking water,

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Catalonia’s Economy, Society, and Territorial Organization in the EU

Society and Economy in Catalonia within the EU

The European society is a post-industrial society, where the services sector generates more jobs and wealth. Post-industrial economies have evolved from industry-based to service-based economies. This process is known as the tertiarization of the economy. The transition to this new society began with the emergence of new information and communication technologies (ICT). The domain of information and the development of creativity are key elements in this

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Urbanization in Spain: Trends, Factors, and Historical Impact

The most important phenomenon of recent decades is increasing urban populations. This is a universal phenomenon and occurs in both industrialized and underdeveloped countries.

It means the progressive urbanization of the population, a concentration in cities, which implies an increase in urban population. The criteria for defining what constitutes an urban center are primarily numerical. In Spain, populations with 10,000 or more inhabitants are classified as urban, while those with 2,000 or fewer

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Humanity’s Impact: Natural Resources and Environment

Natural Resources and Their Importance

Our species needs energy to maintain its vital functions. Food contains the matter and energy we need to live. The welfare of present human society today requires many other needs that technology and industry are responsible for satisfying. Most living beings tend to adapt to their environment, but humans have a special quality that differentiates them: we have the ability to make tools and utensils that allow us to adapt more easily to the environment. These

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