Navarre Population: Distribution, Evolution, and Trends

Navarre Population: Distribution and Evolution

Population Distribution in Navarre

Distribution: Navarre had a population of 646,000 inhabitants in 2008, with a density of 62.17 inhabitants per km2, which is less than the Spanish average. The population of Navarre represents a smaller proportion of the state’s total population than its land area. Its demographic weight has decreased since 1900. Navarre’s population density is similar to La Rioja and Aragon but significantly lower than the Basque Country.

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European Agriculture: Characteristics, Landscapes, and Factors

Characteristics of Agricultural Activity

Key characteristics of agricultural activity include:

  • A relatively small population is employed in agriculture, although this varies. The low numbers in Western countries contrast with higher numbers in Eastern and Southern countries. This reflects the varying levels of industrialization.
  • Production techniques vary. Western Europe utilizes modern techniques, including mechanization, fertilizers, and genetic selection, leading to high-intensity agriculture. Many
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Industrial and Agricultural Sectors: Impact and Sustainability

Industrial Sites Worldwide

Factors of Industrial Location

Factors explaining the location of industries in a region include natural resources, the labor market, and the market itself.

  • Availability of Resources: Historically, the availability of resources conditioned the location of industries. This has been overcome thanks to the emergence and development of transport systems, such as ships and rail.
  • Workforce: Industries have tended to be located near residential centers. The creation of industrial
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Growth of Spanish Companies: Phases, Scientific Management, and Entrepreneurship

Phases of Large Company Creation in Spain

The creation of large companies in Spain can be divided into four phases:

  1. Phase 1 (1855-1868): Progressive policies led to the emergence of large railway companies, merchant banks financing railway construction, and mining companies.
  2. Phase 2 (Early 20th Century): Factors contributing to growth included capital repatriation, foreign capital introduction, banking system development, industry mergers, and economies of scale in new sectors.
  3. Phase 3: Creation of
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Agricultural and Environmental Terms Explained

Understanding Agricultural and Environmental Terms


It is that sea area over which the coastal countries exercise jurisdiction (the right to sovereignty) on the exploration, exploitation, conservation, and management of resources, both water and the seabed and subsoil. In 1982, the UN established its boundaries from the shoreline to 200 miles. Since then, Spain has negotiated fisheries agreements through the EU with other countries, as the national fishing grounds are insufficient for the demand

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Settlement and Land Management: A Spanish Territory Study

Settlement and Land Management

Settlement refers to the process of establishing settlements and residential areas for populations. It also involves the exploitation and occupation of previously uninhabited territories.

We can distinguish between rural and urban settlements. In Spain, a municipality with fewer than 2,000 residents is considered rural, while one with more than 10,000 is considered urban.

Rural settlements are those where more than a quarter of the workforce is employed in the primary

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