Economic Sectors: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
Economic Sectors
Primary Sector
The primary sector encompasses activities that involve the extraction and harvesting of natural resources. This includes:
- Agriculture: The cultivation of land for plant products used for human consumption or as animal feed, and raw materials for industry.
- Livestock: Breeding animals to obtain various products such as meat, milk, and wool. Ranching can be classified according to various criteria, including capital investment, labor, food sources, and cattle mobility.
- Logging:
Nazari Art and Architecture: Influences and Characteristics
Nazari Art and Architecture: A Blend of Influences
These influences are mixed with great creativity, combined with foreign influences. Another influence is Christianity, which manifests with Gothic and Moorish elements.
There are no cultural boundaries, only political ones.
Key Features of Nazari Art
Artistic Characteristics
Art is limited by the economic level, but is of great wealth, creativity, and high uptake.
- Noted for its large proportional harmony in architecture as well as ornamental details.
- The
Dominican Republic: History, Society, and Economy
Jorge Blanco’s Campaign
The campaign was part of a proposed series democratizing government. It was called the National Rally.
Candidates of 1986
- Balaguer
- Juan Bosch
- James Majluta
The Cause of Triumph
The economic crisis and the discrediting government of the PRD.
Balaguer’s Government Action
Jorge underwent trials more white and its officials be canos, greater political tolerance and renovating plaster d measures the armed forces.
Balaguer’ “conten”:”s economic policy:
the policy d buildings.
Inhabited the
Read MoreGlobalization, Tourism, and Economic Activity: A Deep Dive
DISADVANTAGES: Local people suffer from exploitation, local culture suffers, more pollution. Most of the money goes out of the country. GLOBALIZATION: When the whole world is seen as a provider of raw material and as a market. NIC’s: A country that has developed significantly in the last 50 years and has moved from being LEDC’s to MEDC’s. THE FIRST NIC’s WERE THE FOUR TIGERS: S Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Singapore. TODAY TOP NIC’s: Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines,
Read MoreAgricultural Factors, Landscapes, and Rural Changes
1) Physical Factors of Agricultural Areas
- Heat-Altitudinal Gradient: Temperature decreases 0.6°C for every 100 meters in altitude.
- Tilting-Fold: Flat surfaces facilitate farming.
- Atmospheric Agents: Some, like hail and torrential rains, can cause catastrophic situations for agriculture.
- Exposure to Wind: Wind can damage crops on mountain slopes.
- Terrain: The thicker the soil, the better it is for cultivation, as roots have more room.
2) Agricultural Landscapes
Subsistence Agriculture
Techniques are characterized
Read MoreGlobal Economics, Employment, and Environmental Perspectives
Economic Perspective
Developed countries and others utilize stock investing for future gains. Key stock exchanges include Tokyo, New York, and London. Chile is a major copper producer. The situation in 1973, when Salvador Allende aimed to nationalize mines, led to price fluctuations. Each stock exchange specializes in different sectors. Stock markets now significantly influence the future of both developed and developing nations. Multinational corporations, often headquartered in developed-world
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