Earth’s History and the Geologic Time Scale

Chapter 12: Earth’s History

Geologic Time Scale

Know the order and absolute (numerical) ages of the geologic eons (Precambrian and Phanerozoic).

  • Precambrian Eon: 4.6 billion to 542 million years ago
  • Phanerozoic Eon: 542 million years ago to present

Precambrian Eon (Archean and Proterozoic)

The Precambrian, comprising the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, spans almost 90% of Earth’s history.

  • Formation of stable continental crust
  • Assembly of cratons (cores of modern continents)

Phanerozoic Eon

Paleozoic Era: Life
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Pre-Roman, Roman, Visigoth, and Muslim Spain

Pre-Roman Peoples

In the 5th century BC, the Iberian Peninsula was divided into two distinct cultural areas: Celtic and Iberian. The Iberians, located on the coast, were a group of people that arose due to changes produced by colonizers’ industrial Mediterranean influence. Their economy relied on agriculture, livestock, ceramics, metallurgy, mining, and trade. They used currency, and their social structure was hierarchical, living in walled villages. They understood writing. The Celts, in the north

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Industrial Revolution in Great Britain: Origins and Impact

The Dawn of the Industrial Revolution: Great Britain

The Industrial Revolution marks a period where technological advancements spurred significant economic shifts. Agriculture’s dominance waned as industry rose, giving birth to industrial capitalism.

The Genesis of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a gradual transformation spanning nearly a century, profoundly impacting the economy and reshaping society. Key factors included:

1. Population Growth

Increased food production, coupled

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Environmental Impact and Conservation in Spain

Environmental Impact of the Tertiary Sector

  1. Where does the biggest environmental impact of the tertiary sector come from?

    The biggest environmental impact comes from infrastructure.
  2. What is it required for?

    It is required for tourism and transport.
  3. Name at least two types of transport networks with the most significant impact on the environment.

    Rail transport, road transport, river and sea transport, and air transport.

Economic Activities and Environmental Issues

  1. What are economic activities?

    They are those
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Agricultural Land Use and Fishing Practices in Spain and EU

Forms of Agricultural Land Use

1. Cultivated Lands:

  • Types of Farming: Crops, bushes, and trees.
  • Variety:
    • Monoculture: Where a single product is grown (specialization).
    • Polyculture: Where different products are grown.
  • Performance:
    • Extensive Farming: Large areas with low crop yields.
    • Intensive Farming: Maximum production in minimum arable land.
  • Tillage Systems:
    • Dry Farming: System of farming in areas with poor, dry soils.
    • Irrigation: Intensive agriculture using artificial irrigation systems.

Division of Agricultural

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Spain’s Constitution of 1978: Autonomy and Principles

The Pre-Autonomous Process

Given the desire for self-government of Basques and Catalans, dramatically demonstrated on September 11th when a million and a half Catalans marched for autonomy in Barcelona, the government began the pre-autonomic process before the adoption of the constitution.

Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez chose the formal restoration of the Generalitat in September 1977. In the Basque Country, in December of that year, he established the General Basque Council as a pre-autonomy regime

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