Understanding Industrial Activities, Revolutions, and Global Landscapes
1. Organization and Types of Industries
Industrial Activities: The industry transforms raw materials through manufacturing. Productive activity takes place in factories using specialized machinery.
According to its place in the production process, industry can be:
- Basic or header (first processing of raw materials)
- Capital goods (manufacture of machinery)
- Consumer goods (products for the population)
Classification of Industries and Businesses
According to the technological level, industries are divided
Read MorePre-Columbian Societies & Spanish Colonial Administration
Pre-Columbian Societies
Pre-Agricultural Peoples: These groups were in an archaic state of evolution, leading a nomadic life in constant search of food. Two subgroups can be identified:
Fishing Villages
Known as “sea nomads,” these people roamed the shores of Chile from north to south. Examples include the Chonos, Alacalufes, and Yagan.
Also called “land nomads,” these groups inhabited territories including Tierra del Fuego. Their main food source was guanaco hunting, supplemented by
Read MoreCatalonia: Agriculture, Industry, Tourism & Economy
Agriculture in Catalonia
Agro-industrial Complexes: Catalonia engages in agricultural product and livestock transformation, including pork, chicken, wine, and champagne production.
Evolution of the Catalan Countryside
Significant migratory flows have led to population stagnation and aging in some areas.
Impact of the European Union’s Agricultural Policy
The EU policy aims to maintain a sufficient number of farmers to ensure food production, preserve family farms and landscapes, protect the environment,
Read MoreKey Demographic and Urban Planning Concepts
Life Expectancy: Demographic indicators that express the average number of years a population in a particular place is expected to live. It varies according to sex (typically greater in women than in men) and the degree of development of the country or area. In developed countries, it is over 70 years, with the highest being in Japan (80) and Spain (73 for men, 81 for women).
Real Growth: The consequence of the effects of natural increase over the effects of migration. To calculate this, it is necessary
Read MoreGlobal Population Evolution: 1870-1913 Analysis
The Evolution of Global Population (1870-1913)
Between 1870 and 1913, the world population increased from 1175 million to 1723 million, a rise of over 50%. Europe was the demographic center, holding a quarter of the world’s population and sending migrants to the Americas, Oceania, and parts of Africa. The peak in world population growth occurred between 1860 and 1880, followed by a decline in the rate of increase.
Factors Influencing Population Changes
The discoveries of Pasteur and others led to vaccines
Read MorePopulation Age Structures: Analysis and Impacts
Demography: Analyzing Population Age Structures
What is the age structure of a population? How do demographers analyze age structure? What are the general differences in the age structure of poor countries compared to the age structure of Canada? What are the social and/or economic implications of these differences? Explain.
The age structure of a population is the breakdown of the population into age (and sex) cohorts. Geographers use population pyramids to analyze age structure. Three broad cohorts
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