Spain’s Transport Evolution and EU Integration

Features and Transport Problems: Improvements Since the 1980s

They have seen improvements since the 1980s.

Physical Environment Challenges

The physical environment is unfavorable: hilly, steep slopes, and adverse climatic features (frost, heavy rain, and fog). These conditions imply an increased cost and reduce profitability. The route network and infrastructure must adapt to certain characteristics of the physical environment, such as the presence of mountain passes.

Radial Transport Networks

The transport

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The European Coal and Steel Community: A Foundation for the EU

The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)

The ECSC was a sectoral economic integration (coal and steel) within supranational bodies. On May 9, 1950, Robert Schuman proposed putting all Franco-German coal and steel production under a high authority within an organization open to other European countries: The Schuman Declaration. Jean Monnet prepared the document from which Schuman made the declaration. Key points in the document included:

  • Creating a common market in coal and steel.
  • Ensuring the free
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Understanding Different Farming and Agricultural Practices

Organic Farming

Organic farming relies on natural systems for production, *without* the use of synthetic chemicals. Soils are decontaminated for two years and then fertilized using organic fertilizers. Crop rotation is employed to prevent soil erosion, and natural systems are used to control pests. Organic products are healthier but more expensive, and demand is still relatively weak. However, the area devoted to organic farming is growing.

Extensive Agriculture

Extensive agriculture requires large

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Seahorse Reproduction, Marsupials, and Population Dynamics

Seahorse Reproduction and Marsupial Development

The male seahorse has a pouch on its lower body near the tail where the female deposits eggs. The eggs remain there until the offspring hatch. Emerging seahorses are similar to marsupials, whose young are undeveloped at birth and complete their development in a pouch called a marsupium. Within this pouch, they can reach the mammary gland without leaving the shelter.

Behavioral Adaptations

Behavioral changes consist of organisms adjusting their behavior

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Population Distribution: Factors, MEDC vs LEDC

LEDC vs MEDC: Births, Mortality, and Solutions

  • No family planning programmes
  • No medical advances
  • Need for large families for child labor
High birth rate
  • Children don’t attend school
  • Low literacy rate
  • Very poor living conditions: insufficient food, poor health
  • Developed countries should contribute to their economies
  • Increased education
  • Medical advances are improving
  • Better hygiene and food
  • Increased access to clean water
Decreasing death rateOverpopulation
  • Family
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Urban Spaces and City Systems: Industrialization Impact

The Industrial City

Endorrecament of walls.

Bourgeois Eixample

Space again, new objectives: health. Creation: lower quality, regular map, you bourgeois residential (first and Madrid). With time modifications, densified plot, building verticalized, tertiary functions.

Worker Neighborhoods

Industrial installations and migration of workers into industrial cities. Creation: disorganized map, dense and closed plot, poor quality housing. Only the industrial center is now located in the periphery of residential

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