Urban Economy and Trade in Medieval Europe

The Work, the Urban Economy, and Trade

Unions: Mechanisms of Economic and Social Control

Although crafts are not specifically urban, their organization into guilds is. The guild is a “quasi-public group of economic law, which subjects its members to collective discipline in the exercise of their profession.” Unions are characterized by their charter, which sets a number of obligations, prohibitions, and encouragements concerning people, techniques, and products. Each guild has a peculiar organization

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Spain’s Territory: Political, Administrative, and Geographic Features

Spain’s Territory: Natural Units, Political and Administrative Divisions

Spain’s territory consists of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic and Canary Islands, and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The Iberian Peninsula also contains the states of Portugal, Andorra, and Gibraltar. However, Spanish territory is dominant in the geography of the peninsula. Its boundaries are the Bay of Biscay, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. The land boundaries are reduced on the west by the

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Industrial Evolution in Spain: From 1855 to Present

Item 6: Industrial Location Factors

Industry thrives in locations most favorable for maximum benefit. These factors vary for each industry.

Between 1855 and 1875, the most influential factors in industrial location (Classic Factors) included:

  • Proximity to raw materials and energy sources
  • Amplitude of the consumer market
  • Cheap and abundant labor
  • Efficient transport system
  • High capital and management capacity
  • Support sectors (services, equipment)
  • Industrial development plans

During these years, this created

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Industrial Revolution to Imperialism: 19th-20th Century Transformations

The Second Industrial Revolution

The Second Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid industrial development, primarily in the latter half of the 19th century. It marked a shift towards large-scale capitalism, characterized by the application of scientific knowledge to industrial processes. This led to a massive acceleration of production and significant societal changes.

Key Features of the Second Industrial Revolution

  • Dramatic Increase in Production: Existing sectors from the First Industrial Revolution,
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Key Factors Shaping Spanish Agriculture: An In-Depth Analysis

**Space Factors of Production**

The agricultural area occupies 40% of the total area of Spanish territory, which is about 20,200,000 hectares (ha). The continuing process of mechanization and automation has resulted in a loss of jobs. The current state of farming today, as well as its evolution over the century, depends on three types of factors: natural, human, and socioeconomic and political.

**Natural Factors**

Agricultural activity is based on the economic exploitation of the natural environment,

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European Union: History, Structure, Policies, and Impact

1. Process of the Creation of the European Union

1.1 The Need for European Trading

The creation of a European common market was not a new idea. The variables expressed in the treaty signed in 1957 in Rome by Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, and Luxembourg. To get treated, the EEC introduced a number of concrete policies: the free circulation of capital, goods, and services, and encouraged people with a set of measures such as freedom and development of competition laws.

1.2 The European Union

In 1992,

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