Romanization of Hispania: Conquest, Society, and Legacy

Romanization of Hispania

Romanization was a transformative process spanning approximately seven centuries. The conquest began during the Second Punic War (218 BC), in which the Carthaginians and Romans battled for control of the Mediterranean, and concluded two centuries later. We can distinguish three stages:

  1. 218-204 BC: Annexation of Andalusia and the Levante peninsular area, which provided multiple benefits to Rome.
  2. 154-133 BC: Domination of the Meseta and the west. Important battles included the
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Water Transport & Visitor Attraction Success Factors

Water-Based Transport

Types of Water-Based Transport:


  • Cruises are mainly concentrated on short sea journeys of about a week.
  • The cruise product can take many forms, from small-scale specialist ships to gigantic mass-entertainment ships.
  • Cruising has become a significant tourist industry; big cruisers are like floating resorts where guests can enjoy luxury and entertainment while moving towards multiple destinations.
  • Companies are now offering bigger cruise ships, which bring economies of scale.
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Visigothic Kingdom: Institutions, Culture & Land Occupation

The Barbarian Invasions: The Visigoths

Institutions and Culture

The Roman Empire began to decline in the 3rd century AD. It experienced a severe crisis due to weakened economic, political, and military institutions. Barbarian tribes took advantage of this situation to penetrate Roman territories and seize their wealth.

The Visigoths were significant. They arrived on the Iberian Peninsula in 416 as foederati to expel the Suebi, Vandals, and Alans. They remained until 711. After the fall of the Roman

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The Union of Spain and the Discovery of America

The Union of Spain: Aragon and Castile

In 1469, the marriage of Prince Ferdinand, son of John II of Aragon, and Princess Isabella, sister of Henry IV, King of Castile, marked a pivotal moment. Although it did not immediately create a unified kingdom, as each retained its borders, currencies, laws, tax systems, and institutions, the Catholic Monarchs acted jointly on behalf of both kingdoms.

Territorial Expansion of the Kingdoms

  • 1492: The conquest of the Muslim kingdom of Granada, after a 10-year campaign.
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Spain’s Tertiary Sector: Trade and Tourism

The Tertiary Sector in Spain

The tertiary sector is the most important economic sector in Spain. It has experienced the greatest development in recent decades and now provides about 70% of the country’s GDP and employment. About 99% of companies in the sector are small, with fewer than 50 employees. Together, they account for just over half of the total turnover. Large companies generate 30% of turnover and employ almost a quarter of the workers in the sector.

Trade in Spain

Domestic and Retail Trade


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Landforms and Rivers of Europe and Spain

Landforms: Definitions

  • RIA: Sea routes into the land.
  • CABO (Cape): Relief that goes from the coast into the sea.
  • PENINSULA: Land surrounded by water everywhere except for one part.
  • ISLA (Island): Portion of land surrounded by water on all sides.
  • GOLFO (Gulf): Entry of the sea, rounded. The bay is similar but smaller.
  • DORSAL OCEƁNICA (Mid-ocean ridge): Underwater mountain range.
  • FOSA MARINA (Marine trench): Great underwater depression.
  • LLANURA ABISAL (Abyssal plain): Underwater plain.
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