Immigration Trends in Spain: 1980-2002

The proposed traffic graph reflects the arrival of immigrants to Spain from 1980 to 2002. The annual series is not consistent; at first, it is almost five years, and then from 1997, it is annual. So, although the general trend is ascending, the chart does not accurately reflect the large increase in entries produced in the last few years.

From 1980 to 1995, the number of immigrants increased by about 150,000 every five years. This trend increases greatly after 1997 because the number of entries exceeds

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Migration Patterns: Causes, Types, and Impacts in Spain

Migration Patterns: Causes, Types, and Impacts

Migratory movements can be defined as a change of residence. They have different socio-economic causes such as food crises, unemployment, the desire for personal improvement, ideological reasons (political, religious, and ethnic), and short-term factors like war and natural disasters.

Movements according to space can be both internal and external:

  • Internal: Transfer of people from rural to urban areas (rural exodus), from one rural area to another, from
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Arcor: History and Global Expansion of the Candy Giant

Arcor: From Humble Beginnings to Global Success

Arcor was born on July 5, 1951, when a group of entrepreneurs, led by Fulvio Salvador Pagani, opened a candy factory in Arroyito, Córdoba, Argentina. The company name “Arcor” is a combination of the initials of Arroyito and Córdoba, representing the city and province where the company was established in Argentina. In 1958, Arcor launched its first nationwide communication campaign on radio, television, and film, promoting a raffle.

Product Diversification

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Urban Planning: City Concepts, Morphology, and Transport

City Concepts and Criteria

City planning considers three main criteria:

  1. Numeric: Starting rates vary by city, for example: Argentina (ARG), Belarus (BY), France (FRA) 2000, U.S. 2500, Austin 5000, Spain (ESP) 10,000, and Mechanics 20,000.
  2. Concentration: Density, continuity, and real numbers, focusing on the continuity of houses.
  3. Professional Activity: No need to exclude large cities and rural areas, including Mediterranean and major fishing ports.

Urban Morphology

Urban morphology examines the city’s

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UAE Infrastructure and Development: A Comprehensive Look

Chapter 7: UAE Infrastructure and Development


There is a renewed focus on urban planning in the UAE as the recent economic boom has brought with it a rapidly rising population and a wide range of real estate, commercial, and industrial development.

Urban planners have met the resulting challenges, such as traffic congestion, housing shortages, and improvement of infrastructure, with visionary long-term plans that focus on boosting the quality of life for all while pursuing the goal of

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Spain’s 19th Century: Agriculture and Industrialization

The Spanish Agricultural Situation in the 19th Century

Liberal Agrarian Reform

In the first half of the 19th century, Spain underwent a liberal agrarian reform. During this process, domains and jurisdictional rights were abolished. Private property was split, and most church and municipal lands were disentailed. The ability to freely buy and sell land led to an increase in agricultural production, although cropping systems remained backward and archaic. Despite this, land remained a significant source

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