The Rise of Islam: Society and Religion in Arabia

Origins and Expansion of Islam

Arabia Before Islam

Arabia was known for its caravan routes to the Mediterranean, bringing high-value products like spices and silk from lands bordering the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. These routes were difficult to trace.

Most of the population was nomadic, engaging in trade and livestock. Throughout the sixth century, Byzantium and Persia influenced the tribes near their borders. There was significant agricultural development in the South, where agricultural kingdoms

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The European Union: History, Formation, and Structure

1. Origins and Evolution of the EU

1.1. Preventing Confrontation

The EU originated from a desire to avoid further conflict between France and Germany. Robert Schuman’s idea led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951. The ECSC consisted of France, West Germany, the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), and Italy.

1.2. The Treaty of Rome (1957)

The Treaty of Rome in 1957 created:

  • EURATOM: The European Atomic Energy Community.
  • EEC: The European Economic
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Hispano-Roman Society and Pre-Roman Peoples

Hispano-Roman Society

Social Groups of Romanized Hispania

  • Not uniformly organized.
  • Complex social aspects.
  • Division of social classes based on economic, political, judicial, and ideological factors.

Distinction Between Freemen and Slaves

  • Roman society was divided into two groups: freemen and slaves.
  • Only free men could participate in the state.
  • Importance of slave labor led to the legal division between manual and non-manual work.
  • Slaves performed manual labor in agriculture, mining, and industry.
  • Free men
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Global Migration: Causes, Effects, and Societal Impacts

Causes of Displacement

Although there are no accurate statistics, the United Nations population estimates that 150 million people were living outside their country of origin at the beginning of the 21st century.

Push Factors

The increased number of displacements is caused by economic reasons, and the rest are due to political, cultural, or environmental disasters.

Pull Factors

The reasons vary. Knowing that some countries have abundant labor and a high standard of living attracts many migrants. North

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Key Environmental and Economic Terms in Spain

Environmental Concepts

Erosion: A set of phenomena outside the Earth’s crust that modify and contribute to the forms created by endogenous phenomena.

Mediterranean Triad: The three main species grown in Spain: cereals, vines, and olives.

Rainfed Agriculture: Arable land that receives water only from rainfall.

Irrigated Agriculture: A set of processes and techniques to furnish crop plants with the amount of water needed for growth.

Deforestation: The loss of forests due to multiple causes. This entails

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Understanding Spain’s Population Dynamics: A Demographic Analysis

Understanding Spain’s Population Dynamics

Sex Structure

Note the numerical superiority of males at birth, having the greatest length of the bottom bar (0-4 years). The sex ratio is the number of males multiplied by 100, divided by the number of females. There are always more male births (about 105 boys for every 100 girls). This numerical superiority at birth and growth through immigration indicates the time when the strength of both sexes are matched (in middle age). Finally, there is a predominantly

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