Urban Expansion in 19th-Century Spain: A Deep Dive

The Expansion of Cities

One of the most significant events of the nineteenth century was the growth of cities. The city became the symbol of modernity and the epicenter of social transformations and economic, political, and cultural change.

Spanish Urbanization

Urbanization in Spain was considerable during the nineteenth century but did not reach the heights of European industrialized countries. The process in Spain resulted in almost the same growth as other Mediterranean countries. The growth of

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Transformation of Europe: From Agrarian Roots to Enlightenment

An Agrarian and Manorial Economy

The economy of the Ancien Regime was mainly rural. Land was entailed, which meant it could not be bought or sold, and it was concentrated in the hands of the nobility and the Church. The lords received manorial rents and taxes paid by the peasants and had the power to issue orders and impart justice. Peasants also had to pay 10% of their harvest to the Church. Agriculture used traditional methods, and productivity was low. Most people practiced subsistence farming,

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Understanding Globalization and the World’s Economic Powers

1. Globalization

Globalization refers to the process of increasing interdependence of the world’s economies and societies.


  • Huge expansion of international trade
  • Business concentration (companies merge to become more competitive)
  • Global organization of production
  • Large multinational companies

2. Globalization Factors

  • Information society (new information and communication technologies are in use)
  • Cheaper transportation (facilitates the flow of goods and people)
  • Liberalization policies (are
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Current Industry Structure, Location, Trends, and Areas

Current Industry Structure

Key characteristics of the current industry structure:

  • Reduced Average Size: The average size of firms and industries is reduced, with a prevalence of small or medium-sized companies.
  • Insufficient Research and Innovation: Research and innovation efforts are insufficient.
  • Inadequate and Dependent Technology Creation: The creation of technology is inadequate and dependent on external sources.

Current Industry Location

Current location factors:

  • Proximity to important natural resources
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Industrial Evolution: From Mechanization to Globalization

**Modern Industry**

  • **Labor:** The first characteristic of modern industry is the prevalence of wage labor.
  • **Mechanization:** The second is the use of machines, which began to use new energy sources to operate.
  • **Division of Labor:** The third is the division of labor.

**Globalization of the Economy**

  • Much production goes to market through global companies.
  • Many large firms’ industrial processes are multinational.
  • Production is also global.

The various tasks necessary to produce a product are separated,

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Urbanization’s Impact on Family and City Life in Britain

Urbanization’s Impact on Family Structure

The function and the shape of the family were completely transformed by life in the industrial city. Ties between members of households loosened, and among the working class, the institution of marriage tended to break down.

Women’s Changing Roles

  • Women of the upper and middle classes in Britain faced increasingly higher levels of isolation, although their lives were made easier by domestic maids who cooked, cleaned, and cared for young children on low wages.
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