Agriculture and Livestock: Impact on Global Economy

Farming is the cultivation of land for the purpose of obtaining food for human and animal consumption, and raw materials for industry. Agriculture appeared in the Neolithic period about 10,000 years ago.

Agriculture Today

In developed countries, this activity only occupies less than 5% of the workforce. It has high productivity due to technical advances. In underdeveloped countries, almost 80% of workers are engaged in agricultural tasks. In the poorest states, agriculture occupies most of the population

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Spanish Land Reform: Impact on 19th Century Society

The Transformation of Land Ownership in 19th Century Spain

There was a chain of changes in legislation and the socio-political life of Spain that ultimately established a bourgeois society. This was a society of classes, ordered by wealth and not by birth, replacing the old system of estates. Wealth was defined by the ownership of land; those who owned land were the ruling class, and those who did not were the working class. The liberal revolution, therefore, had a dual purpose: to establish and

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Urban Transformation: Industrialization’s Impact on Spanish Cities

**The Industrial City: Industrial Revolution and Urban Growth**

During the last decades of the nineteenth century, a strong process of urbanization began in the early stages of industrialization in Spain. The Industrial Revolution transformed the distribution of the population in the territory and the morphology and structure of cities. To understand this process of urbanization, several factors must be taken into account:

  • The Industries: The industrial site was one of the key players that led to
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Spatial Movements and Demographic Structure of the Spanish Population

IV. Spatial Movements: Migration

Concepts of Internal and External Migration

Migration is the movement of people in space. We distinguish between emigration, the exit of people from their place of origin, and immigration, the arrival of people to a destination. We have temporary, definitive, pendulous, internal, and external emigration. The migratory balance is the balance between immigration and emigration. If the balance is positive, immigration is greater; if it is negative, emigration is greater.

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Key Historical Developments in the Iberian Peninsula

Homo Preceded Hominid Homo ergaster through evolution. This is the first hominid find on the European continent and in Spain.
Atapuerca: City of Burgos where we found the remains of early hominids, Homo predecessors, on the peninsula and in Europe. The jaw was found to be 1,200,000 years old and seems to have been the victim of cannibalism.
Neolithic Revolution: A period that begins in the sixth century with the advent of agriculture, livestock, exchange or barter, ceramics, textiles, and private

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Population Dynamics and Migration Trends in Catalonia

1. Population Dynamics in Catalonia

1.1 Positive Population Dynamics Over Three Centuries

Catalonia has a population of 7,300,000 inhabitants, and the trend continues to rise. For 300 years, its population growth has not been regular. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the Catalan population grew due to increased vegetative growth, and in the 20th century, this was further boosted by immigration. This trend continues at the beginning of this century. Throughout the 20th century, the increase

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