Spanish Colonial Empire in America

Overseas Expansion and the Colonial Empire

The Discovery of America

Castile and Portugal, possessing skilled maritime expertise and island enclaves, pioneered Atlantic exploration. Portugal, more advanced, sought the route to the Indies and spices by skirting the African coast, while Castile held only the Canary Islands. Portugal rejected Columbus’s proposal, but Castile accepted. After signing the Capitulations of Santa Fe, Columbus was named admiral, viceroy, and governor of the lands he discovered.

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Spanish Population & Castile and León Demographics

1. Major Sources of Spanish Population Data


Reflects the population’s state at a given time, published every ten years. It is state-run, universal, obligatory, and confidential, containing information on residence, age, sex, marital status, children, nationality, etc.

Municipal Register (Padrón Municipal)

Prepared by municipalities and constantly updated with information on marriages and address changes.

Civil Registration

Records births, deaths, and marriages.

1.2 Population Evolution

Natural Movements


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Key Concepts in Spanish Geography and Economy

River Regime

The seasonal variation in river flow depends on the monthly distribution of rainfall. Regimes can be snowy nivo-pluvial, rainfall, or pluvial-nival.

Water Transfer

This is the export of water from one watershed to another (although some transfers occur between rivers in the same basin). Currently, Spain operates 38 transfers, the most well-known being the Tagus-Segura.


Desertification results in extreme erosion. In Spain, nearly a million hectares can be considered desert,

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World Biomes and Geographic Phenomena


Forest (Tropical)

Dense formations of tall trees with vines.


Open tree formations with shrubs and herbs. Located in warm (tropical, subtropical), cold continental, and cold oceanic climates.


Tall herbaceous carpet with few tree groups. Presents scattered deep-rooted trees, shrubs, and woody shrubs.


Dense herbaceous formations without trees. Located in temperate oceanic, temperate, and cold ocean transition areas.


Vegetation of mosses and lichens. Located in cold and high-

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Utopia: An Island Nation’s Customs and Organization

What is Utopia?

The crescent-shaped island of Utopia spans approximately 200 miles at its widest point, boasting a 500-mile perimeter. An 11-mile gap between its two poles creates a tranquil lake. Numerous ports dot Utopia’s coast, expertly utilized by its inhabitants. Legend suggests Utopia was once connected to a nearby mainland by an isthmus, which was intentionally destroyed to establish the island’s complete independence.

Utopian Cities and Governance

Fifty-four identical cities are spread

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Urban Structures and Issues: A Deep Dive

The Division of the City: Social and Functional

Cities are organized based on the various uses of their inhabitants. These activities tend to concentrate in specific areas of the urban fabric.

In most urban concentrations, the organization is structured around a center.

The rest of the urban areas can be classified according to land ownership and management, dividing the space into public and private areas.

The City Center

Here, we find public decision-making, company headquarters, administration and

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