Impact of Globalization and Natural Resources on Global Equity

**Quality of Life and Access to Natural Resources**

Access to natural resources like water, fertile land, and energy profoundly influences the quality of life across the globe. Regions with abundant resources, such as oil in the Middle East, often experience economic growth, but this can also lead to environmental degradation and political dependency on resource exports. Conversely, countries like Ethiopia or Yemen, where water scarcity and arable land are limited, face health crises, food insecurity,

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Urban Development in Spain: Settlement, Structure, and Network

Urban Settlement in Spain

The process of urbanization in Spain dates back to ancient times and has been developing over the centuries. In recent decades, urban settlement in our country has undergone significant transformations:

  • Cities are centers of tertiary activities. Those with a greater area of influence play a large number of roles.
  • Large metropolitan areas (Madrid and Barcelona) have been consolidated and become major economic centers that influence an increasingly extensive territory.
  • Major
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Colonial Empires and Their Impact: 19th and 20th Centuries

The Great Colonial Empires of the 19th and 20th Centuries

The Conquest Process

In 1830, England conquered India, and France conquered Algeria. The Berlin Conference of 1885 saw the great powers divide continents among themselves. There were few independent states in Africa, notably Ethiopia and Liberia. A special case was Latin America, which gained independence from Spain and Portugal.

The Great British Empire

The British Empire was the largest, with colonies on every continent. Its moment of greatest

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Medieval Iberian Peninsula: Society, Culture, and Politics

The Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages: Models of Reforestation and Social Organization of the Christian Kingdoms

Reforestation refers to the peaceful occupation of vacant land during the Middle Ages. This was made possible due to population growth and the Mudejar population. Military recruitment had four major stages:

  • Monacal (8th-11th centuries): Free men and monks settled in the barren lands of the Douro Valley and the Pyrenees, sometimes under the direction of kings or counts, but mostly on
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European Maritime Expansion and Societal Changes: 15th-16th Centuries

During the Early Modern period, European expeditions explored many new parts of the world. At the beginning of the 15th century, Europeans had limited geographical knowledge. They knew very little about most of Africa, Europe, and the territories around the Mediterranean and Black Seas, India, China, and Japan.

Trade with the East

Exotic products from the Far East, such as silk and spices, were highly appreciated in medieval Europe. Merchants carried them along the Silk Road, a trade route that linked

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Rural Spain: Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Tourism

Economic Activities in Rural Areas of Spain


Agriculture is a modernized financial sector in Spain. It has evolved from a traditional model into a family farm business model with high investments in technology, machinery, and fertilizers. Crops may be classified according to different criteria:

  • Water supply: Rainfed and irrigated
  • Land use:
    • Extensive: If production per unit area and worker is low
    • Intensive: If the output per worker and unit area is high
  • Crop diversity: Polyculture and monoculture
  • Plant
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