Spain’s Tourism Sector: An In-Depth Analysis
Spain is a global tourism powerhouse, attracting both domestic and international visitors. Tourism is predominantly characterized by mass tourism, often referred to as “sun and beach” tourism, targeting a clientele with moderate purchasing power who typically stay in hotels and apartments in coastal areas.
Dependence on International Tour Operators
A defining feature of Spain’s tourism sector is its dependence on international tour operators. These are wholesale companies that manage all stages of
Read MoreSpanish Golden Age: Culture, Politics, and Society Under the Habsburgs
The Golden Age of Spanish Culture
Cultural Splendor: The Golden Age: During the sixteenth century, Spanish culture was of outstanding quality and wealth. In the seventeenth century, it became even more relevant, marking the Golden Age of Spanish culture, especially in Art and Literature. This period is traditionally known as the Golden Age. Literature continued the brilliant production of the previous century, with authors like Miguel de Cervantes and his masterpiece Don Quixote de La Mancha, as
Read MoreThe Colosseum: History, Architecture, and Significance
The Colosseum
Historical Context
The Colosseum was a gift from Emperor Vespasian to Rome. Vespasian’s reign (69-79 AD) can be characterized by three aspects:
- During his rule, there was an economic revival in Rome.
- He built large public works.
- He reinforced the borders of the Empire.
This amphitheater was commissioned by Vespasian in 72 AD. A year after his death, his son Titus inaugurated the building. However, the opening did not mean it was finished. Vespasian’s second son, Domitian (81-96 AD), completed
Read MoreMedieval Iberian Peninsula: Taifas, Kingdoms, and Repopulation
Medieval Iberian Peninsula
Taifas: Small, independent kingdoms formed in the Iberian Peninsula after the fragmentation of the Caliphate of Cordoba during the 11th century.
Parias: Taxes paid by the Taifas to Christian kingdoms in exchange for peace, reflecting Christian hegemony in the 11th century.
Almoravids: Muslims from North Africa who established a large empire, arriving in 1086 after the conquest of Toledo. Their empire later fragmented into new Taifas.
Almohads: Another Muslim group from North
Read MoreNative Americans and Spanish Explorers in North America
Native Americans & Spanish Explorers
They first arrived 30,000 years ago or before. It is believed that the first settlers came from Asia and crossed the land bridge that united the 2 continents (The Bering Strait – between Russia & Alaska).
Native American Cultural Regions
In the mid 1500s, 10 million Indians lived in North America with several hundred languages and varying social structures.
- Maize Regions – in Eastern half (NE & SE). Depended on hunting, fishing, farming, and gathering.
Native American History and European Colonization in North America
Native Americans
Five Tribes
- Cherokee
- Choctaw
- Muscogee (Creek)
- Chickasaw
- Seminole
- Arctic: Hunting and fishing
- Subarctic: Hunting
- Coastal: Fishing
- Coastal: Fishing and gathering
- Plateau: Fishing, hunting, and gathering
- Desert: Gathering
- Pueblo: Farming
- Plains: Hunting
- Woodland: Farming
- Mississippi: Farming
Three Sisters of Farming
Woodland farmers, Plains, Mississippi farmers, Maya (corn, beans, squash)
Woodland Farmers
- Southern Canada and Northern U.S.
- Sophisticated culture
- Permanently settled (agriculture)
- Humid