Habsburg Political Model and 16th Century Spanish Society

The Political Model of the Habsburgs: The Union of Kingdoms

The large conglomerate of kingdoms and territories held by the Spanish Habsburg Empire was no longer to become a monarchy under Philip II, whose sole link was the king. In 1561, the capital was set in Madrid, moving to be stable. Here are the institutions and the reinos.

The State Council

The State Council, the only organ common to all kingdoms, was created by Charles I and could be composed of members of any territory. Their mission was to

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Spanish Emigration Trends: 1945 to Present

Spanish Emigration: Transoceanic and European Flows

Transoceanic Emigration

c) Between 1945 and 1960, transoceanic migration recovered but did not reach the figures of the previous century. The factors that allowed for this recovery were Spain’s authorization to leave the country freely (1946), the lifting of the UN’s international isolation (1950), and the change in the U.S. attitude regarding Franco’s regime (1951).

The migrant profile changed. Family migration gained more weight, and migrants had

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Fernand Braudel: World-Economies and the Rise of Capitalism

Fernand Braudel: World-Economies and Capitalism

Fernand Braudel argues that a kind of global society exists, hierarchical yet recognizable, much like an ordinary society. The world-economies built in Europe after its expansion explain the rise of capitalism. These world-economies are defined by a triple reality:

  • They occupy a specific geographical area, which defines their limits.
  • They always have a pole, a center represented by a dominant city, formerly a city-state, now a capital of the economy.
  • They
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Regional Economic Disparities in Spain: Finance and Redistribution

Regional Economic Disparities in Spain

Contrasts in Regional Economic Development

The diverse natural conditions and historical and social factors of Spain’s autonomous regions have led to uneven economic development. The Spanish economy is the fifth largest in the European Union and the fourteenth largest in the world by GDP. However, there are large areas of the state with low development and a significant segment of the population with low incomes. Families in the Basque Country and Navarre have

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EU Rural Development Policy: Economic Growth & Sustainability

EU Rural Development Policy: Fostering Growth and Sustainability

The European Union, through its rural development policy, provides structural funds for the most disadvantaged agricultural areas. The goal is to maintain the number of farmers and to conserve agricultural landscapes. The LEADER program also provides funds to help the regions worst affected by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to subsidize the creation of innovative activities, such as rural tourism.

Regional and Local Involvement


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Crop Types, Agricultural Practices, and Agrarian Systems

Types of Crops

From the smallest to the tallest, they are:

  • Herbaceous crops (cereals or leafy greens)
  • Shrubs (grapevine)
  • Trees (olive and fruit trees)

Agricultural Practices


It is used when fields are used to grow just one crop.


It is used when fields are used to grow more than one type of crop.

Dryland Agriculture

Crops are irrigated only with rainwater.

Irrigated Agriculture

Irrigation applied to the land, soil, or crops is artificial.

Intensive Agriculture

Here the land is used to its

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