Natural Hazards, Resources, and Sustainable Development

Water Cycle: (Rainfall, infiltration, evaporation) solar-driven. Oceanic Conveyor Belt: Distributes heat to all the seas of the planet.

Natural Hazards

Floods: A natural phenomenon with the most casualties. Overflowing rivers or streams, especially in the Mediterranean area (wadi, intermittent water courses), cause strong slope erosion.

Landslides: Falling materials due to steep slopes, often caused by heavy rains and earthquakes. Rock type is a significant risk factor.

Earthquakes: Ground vibrations

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Mezquita-Cathedral of Córdoba: History & Architecture

Mezquita-Cathedral of Córdoba: Construction Phases

At the top, we have three arches, and between them, there are plaques carved with plant motifs. An overhang topped by battlements and supported on toothed roll corbels. The side streets are identical. A vain and blind to the lintel, lintels voussoired, just above the extrados is staggered through the provision of recessed blocks. Decorated with vegetal elements in size to bevel as palms, volutes (plasterwork) deeply rooted in the Visigoth world.

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Understanding Atmospheric Circulation and Climates

Key Meteorological Concepts

  • Latitude: The distance between the Equator and a point on the planet, measured along the meridian passing through that point.
  • Gale: The clash of air masses from the poles with air masses from the tropics.
  • Anticyclone: An area under atmospheric pressure above normal pressure (1016 mb). Anticyclones usually produce stable weather without precipitation.
  • Precipitation: Water that falls on Earth’s surface from clouds, in liquid or solid form. It is measured with a rain gauge
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Wind, Coastal, Glacial, and Karst Landform Modeling

Wind Modeling

Wind Action: Wind is the primary agent shaping landscapes in hot deserts. In these areas, wind carries out two main erosion processes:

  • Deflation: Wind carries away smaller materials, leaving behind larger ones, resulting in a rocky desert known as a reg.
  • Abrasion: Wind laden with sand polishes rock surfaces.

Wind Transport and Sedimentation: Wind carries large volumes of fine materials over enormous distances. Fine sand and dust are carried high into the troposphere, where they can remain

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Understanding the Ozone Layer and Its Vital Role

The Ozone Layer: A Vital Shield

The ozone layer is a region of the stratosphere containing a relatively high concentration of ozone. This layer, extending approximately 15 km to 40 km in altitude, contains 90% of the ozone in the atmosphere and absorbs 97% to 99% of high-frequency ultraviolet radiation.

Formation of the Ozone Layer

Our planet, due to its size and average mass, was unable to retain light gases such as hydrogen and helium, which escaped, swept away by the solar wind. Once the solar wind

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Aljafería Palace: A Jewel of Islamic Architecture in Zaragoza

Aljafería Palace: A Testament to Islamic Art

The Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza stands as a remarkable example of Islamic architecture in Spain. Built during the 11th century, it showcases a unique blend of artistic and constructive elements.

Architectural Characteristics

  • Arches: The palace features a tendency to link sequences of arches, with keys extending upwards like branches. Decorative knots, while aesthetically pleasing, often lack a structural role.
  • Columns: Columns serve as a primary medium,
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