Catalonia’s Geography, Resources, and Environmental Management

Territorial Configuration

Catalonia’s territorial configuration is characterized by three main aspects: the complex interaction between the sea and the orography, the uneven terrain with few plains and abundant mountains, creating a labyrinthine appearance, and the proximity of mountains and the sea, typical of Mediterranean countries, where mountains often extend directly into the water. Catalonia’s history is deeply intertwined with maritime influences and the opportunities the land offers.


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Crystalline and Amorphous Materials: Formation and Properties

Crystalline and Amorphous Materials

The most abundant elements on Earth are Fe, O, Si, and in the crust: O, Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, and K. These elements form mineral materials. There are two main types of mineral materials:

  • Amorphous material: The elements that constitute it are arranged randomly, without any regular order. Examples include volcanic glass (obsidian), opal, and limonite.
  • Crystalline Material: Its constituents are periodically ordered in space, driven by chemical bonds, forming a crystalline
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Wastewater Treatment: Pretreatment and Primary Sedimentation

Thick Grinding Lattices

At this stage, there are usually several lines. For the process, thick bars are installed with a clearance between plates of 30-50 mm and below (downstream) a fine grating with a clearance from 15 to 20 mm. The function of these bars is not to remove the sand but rather the solid minerals. When minerals do not provide solid, specific discharge (straw, hay, etc.), a finer grinding is required, called refining sieve or fine mesh of about 3-6 mm.

The forms in which the grids can

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Geological Time and Earth’s Processes: Dating, Weathering, Erosion, and Sedimentation

Geological Time

Geological time is the period between the origin of the Earth and today. It is measured in millions of years. Geologists have always tried to sort all the events chronologically, using two methods: absolute dating and relative dating.

Absolute Dating

Absolute dating consists of assigning a specific date to an event. Various methods can be used for absolute dating, the most common being the radiometric method. This method relies on the existence of unstable atoms that undergo radioactive

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Relief Formation and Landscapes of the Iberian Peninsula

Relief of the Iberian Peninsula

The relief found in the Iberian Peninsula is the result of a series of orogenic stages and erosion that have alternated over millions of years. There are three types of Iberia: siliceous, limestone, and clay.

Siliceous Iberia

First, in siliceous Iberia, there are Precambrian and Paleozoic materials (the oldest in the Peninsula). These are igneous or magmatic rocks (resulting from cooling lava) and metamorphic rocks (formed from the transformation of igneous and sedimentary

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Key Earth Science Terms: Definitions and Concepts


  • Abrasion: Erosion caused by the sea, creating a flat coastal area.
  • Albufera: A saltwater lake separated from the sea by a barrier island.
  • Alcor: A hill used for control purposes (Andalusia).
  • Altitude: The vertical distance of a point above sea level.
  • Anticline: A fold curved downward; the convex part of a simple fold.
  • Archipelago: A group of islands.


  • Badlands: An area with an abundance of soft sediments heavily eroded by wind and water.
  • Barranco: A landform characteristic of the Canary Islands; a narrow,
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