Water and Soil: Resources, Usage, and Pollution
Water: A Vital Resource
The history of mankind has always been marked by the availability of water, which has encouraged the flourishing of civilizations. Water is essential for the existence and maintenance of organisms. It is vital for all necessary processes and reactions characteristic of living beings. A significant proportion of living things is water. Water flows on the earth’s surface between the oceans, atmosphere, and continents, in a process of continuous exchange called the hydrological
Minerals and Rocks: Properties, Types, and Uses
Minerals: Definition and Properties
Minerals are defined by four characteristics:
- Solid – You cannot pass through them.
- Composition – Each mineral has a specific chemical composition.
- Natural Origin – They occur naturally.
- Crystal Structure – Atoms are arranged regularly in three dimensions.
Formation of Minerals
- Precipitation: Substances are sedimented.
- Solidification of Magma
- Recrystallization: Existing minerals re-crystallize when cooled.
- Sublimation: Gas transitions directly to solid (e.g., sulfur).
Read MoreWind and Coastal Erosion: Landforms and Sedimentation
Wind Erosion and its Effects
For wind erosion to occur, a significant amount of material needs to be dissolved, there must be little vegetation, and low humidity. Wind erosion manifests primarily through two processes:
- Deflation: The wind picks up loose material, ranging from small to medium sizes, and transports it to other locations.
- Wind Abrasion: Thanks to the material transported by deflation, the wind erodes and polishes the surface of rocks.
Methods of Erosion and Resulting Landforms
- Alveoli:
Atmospheric Processes: Weather, Climate, and Heat
Chapter 11: Heating the Atmosphere
Chapter 12: Moisture, Clouds, and Precipitation
Weather: The state of the atmosphere at any given time.
Climate: A description of aggregate weather conditions; the sum of all statistical weather information that helps describe a place or region.
Rotation: The spinning of a body, such as Earth, about its axis.
Revolution: The spinning of a body about another, such as Earth and the Sun.
Radiation (electromagnetic radiation): The transfer of energy (heat) through space
Read MoreGeological Hazards: Causes and Risk Factors
Expansive Soils
Expansive soils are soils that increase in volume in the presence of water. They can exert pressure as strong as a floor, for example. This type of expansive soil is formed by clays, plasters, and anhydrite.
Radon is the main cause of radiation risk as a natural contaminant worldwide. It lodges in the lungs and can cause lung cancer. The toxic effects are seen with the passage of time.
Instability of Slopes
Human Causes
Human causes are diverse. They can be caused by the rejection
Read MorePlant Life in Spain: Habitats, Vegetation, and Flora
Vegetation and Flora in Spain
The vegetation, or flora, is the set of plant species in an area. Factors that influence vegetation include plant formations, physical factors like climate (temperature and precipitation), relief (altitude), soil type, and human impact. In Spain, plant communities form distinct landscapes.
Siberian Floristic Region
The Siberian floristic region is characterized by deciduous heath and grassland.
Deciduous Forest
Deciduous forests feature tall trees with straight trunks, smooth
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