Understanding Geothermal Gradients, Volcanoes, and Eruptions
Understanding Geothermal Gradients and Volcanic Activity
1. What is the Geothermal Gradient?
The geothermal gradient refers to the increase in temperature with depth beneath the Earth’s surface.
2. Origin of Earth’s Internal Energy
The Earth’s internal energy is believed to originate from two primary sources:
- Primary Energy: Residual heat from the Earth’s formation, due to collisions with other celestial bodies.
- Radioactive Decay: Heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements abundant in the Earth’
Water, Minerals, Rocks, and Matter Properties
Unit 9: Water and the Hydrosphere
- 97% Saltwater
- 3% Freshwater
Ocean water has three types of movements: waves, currents, and tides.
Freshwater can be found in various forms: lakes, rivers, streams, groundwater, wetlands, and glaciers.
Water Cycle
- Evaporation: Water (Liquid) > Gas. Hydrosphere > Atmosphere.
- Condensation: Water (Gas) > Liquid. Forms dew and clouds, which can cause precipitation.
- Runoff: Surface water movement through the earth’s surface, forming rivers and streams.
- Infiltration:
Volcanic Structures, Activity Types, and Landforms
Volcanic Relief
Structure of a Volcano
- Crater: Orifice where volcanic products exit the surface.
- Volcanic Cone: Structure formed by the accumulation of volcanic material around the crater.
- Chimney: Tube that connects the magma chamber to the crater, where the magma exits.
- Magma Chamber: Deposit in which magma accumulates before going outside.
Volcano Types
Depending on the characteristics of the material ejected, volcanoes have different types of structures:
- Pyroclastic Cone: Small, with very steep walls,
Soil Composition, Formation, and Classification
Soil: Composition, Formation, and Classification
Soil is a cover or mantle of superficial alteration, consisting of minerals, air, water, organic debris, and living organisms. It develops in the area of interaction between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
- Mineral Fraction: Fragments of bedrock, colloidal particles, ions, and minerals.
- Organic Fraction: Results from the decomposition of biological remains through two main processes:
- Humification: Decomposes organic remains
Environmental Challenges in the Canary Islands and Solutions
Environmental Problems in the Canary Islands and Their Solutions
Environmental problems in the Canary Islands are greater than can be solved only through environmental policies.
Main Problems:
Air Pollution
Air pollution is generated by fossil fuels used in transportation and the production of electrical energy. In the Canary Islands, the issue is intensified by the high density of vehicles and the reduced space. To solve this, it is necessary to move vehicles and reduce pollution by promoting public
Read MoreSpanish Landscapes: Climate, Relief, and Human Impact
Ocean Landscape (North)
- Area: North of the Peninsula, Cantabrian Mountains and Galicia.
- Relief: Mountains and short, uneven surfaces.
- Climate: Frequent precipitation, low temperatures, thermal influence of the sea.
- Water: Short rivers originating in mountains near the sea, regular flow.
- Vegetation: Deciduous forests (beech and oak), scrub (heather, gorse, broom), abundant meadows.
- Soil: Siliceous (brown earth, rich in humus), limestone (brown limestone soil).
Mediterranean Landscape (South)
- Area: South