Materials, Manufacturing & Societal Impact
Natural Materials: Materials used as found in nature.
Processed Materials: Materials obtained by subjecting natural materials to various chemical processes.
Synthetic Materials: Materials obtained by chemical methods from other materials.
Technical Use Materials
Wood: Derived from tree trunks, strong, elastic, good heat and electrical insulator. Comes in natural (pine) and processed (plywood) forms.
Paper and Cardboard: Made from wood pulp, easy to cut, fold, sew, and dye. Available in various types
Read MoreKey Concepts in Meteorology and Climatology
Key Meteorological and Climatological Terms
Time and Climate
Time refers to the atmospheric conditions at a specific moment. Climate is the sequence of weather types that occur over a period of 30 years of observation in a given territory. Meteorology is the science that studies weather, while climatology studies climate.
Jet Stream and Action Centers
A jet stream is a strong wind current with a tubular structure, circulating between 9-11km in altitude. No difference exists between the equatorial and
Read MoreEarth’s Geological History: Precambrian to Cenozoic Eras
Precambrian Era: From Earth’s Origin to 570 Million Years Ago
Hadean Eon
- Earth separated into three layers.
- The first atmosphere was formed.
- Meteorites continually bombarded the Earth.
- The Moon was formed.
- The first life forms probably existed at the end of the Hadean.
Archean Eon
- Few rocks remain from this eon.
- Almost all of the Earth was an ocean, with only microcontinents.
Proterozoic Eon
- Supercontinents were formed, and lithospheric movement was similar to that of today.
- Meteorite bombardment stopped.
- Tectonic
Environmental Impacts: Coal vs. Uranium, Climate Change, Acid Rain
Environmental Effects of Coal and Uranium as Power Sources
Coal and uranium are both mined, which creates landscape damage and harmful tailings that can contaminate waterways. Uranium generates more power than coal by weight or volume, so less of it needs to be mined. Combusting coal for electricity emits sulfur and nitrogen oxides that contribute to acidic deposition. Coal burning also emits particulate matter, which threatens human health and creates carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that
Read MoreMotion and Dynamics in Physics
When a mobile body is subjected to two simultaneous movements, the kinematic variables (position, velocity, and acceleration) are obtained by adding the kinematic variables of the two movements.
Principle of Independence
When a mobile body’s motion is composed of two simple movements, its position at a given time is independent of how the simple movements operate, whether simultaneously or successively.
Parabolic Motion
Parabolic motion is composed of one rectilinear uniform motion
Read MoreAlhambra and Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba: Architecture
The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba
The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba is the result of four stages of construction. It serves as a prayer room for believers and consists of 514 columns. The columns from the time of Abderrahman I varied in material, including marble and granite, resting on pedestals that differ in height and type of molding. Their stems are smooth or fluted, vertical or spiral. To provide the necessary height and lightness, picture rails with scrolls rolled up on themselves (roll modillions)
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