Geography, Geology, and Municipalities of Mallorca

Geography and Earth Science

Geography and earth science describe the spatial distribution of elements and phenomena that develop on the surface.


Geology is the science that studies the formation and origin of the Earth and the materials that comprise its interior and exterior.

Municipalities, Villages, and Comarcas

  • Municipality: A set of inhabitants within a jurisdictional area, typically governed by a town council.
  • Village: The entire population of a nation, region, or country.
  • Hamlet: A small
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Understanding Minerals and Rocks: Formation and Types

Minerals: Definition and Characteristics

Minerals are solids formed by the accumulation of chemical elements in Earth’s crust. They must exhibit three characteristics: being natural, having an inorganic origin, and having a homogeneous chemical composition.

Types of Minerals

  • Amorphous Minerals: Minerals whose components are disordered.
  • Crystallized Minerals: Minerals whose components are ordered, resulting in a crystalline material.
  • Silicates: A group of minerals containing mainly silicon and oxygen
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Non-Metallic and Organic Materials: Properties and Uses

Non-Metallic Mineral Materials

This material group is very heterogeneous. Some commonly used materials are:

Ceramic Materials

This does not apply to objects made from clay. Mixed with water, clay forms a plastic and even mass, which acquires stiffness when dry. This property is increased and stabilizes when the parts are brought to the kiln. Ceramic materials are very resistant to high temperatures and the effects of most chemical agents.


  • Structural Use: Clay for the manufacture of bricks,
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Earth’s Ecosystems: Understanding Our Planet’s Life Systems

Earth as a Living System: Understanding Our Finite Resources

Earth is a living system, or ecosystem, characterized as finite. Land is finite in space and its resources are limited in terms of sustainability. It is composed of:

  • Hydrosphere: 97% saltwater, 2% ice, 1% freshwater
  • Biogeochemical cycles: Water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus
  • Hydrological cycle: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, solidification

The third principle of land is that it is an open system with respect to energy flow. Biodiversity

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Minerals, Rocks, Mountains, and Deforestation

Types of Luster in Minerals

Metallic: Resembles metal, for example, pyrite.

Non-metallic: Includes various types such as:

  • Waxy: Resembling oil or fat.
  • Dull: Not shiny.
  • Glassy: Resembling glass.

How Are Mountains Formed?

Mountains are formed through a combination of processes, including:

  • Erosion
  • Transportation
  • Weathering
  • Fulmination

All You Need to Know About Slate

Slate is a foliated rock. It is usually black and slightly shiny due to the presence of mica. It is hard but can be separated into thin layers or

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Fundamental Principles of Energy, Motion, and Fluids

Topic 5: Energy

Energy is the property of materials, bodies, or systems that allows for the production of transformations such as work and/or heat.

  • 1 J = 0.24 cal
  • 1 kJ = 103 J
  • 1 cal = 4.18 J
  • 1 kcal = 103 cal

Mechanical energy (Em) is the energy linked to the position or movement of bodies. There are two types of Em, and Em = Ec + Ep

  • Ec: This is the energy that moving bodies possess. Its value depends on the mass and velocity of the body.

  • Ep: This is the energy that certain bodies possess due to their position.

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