Earth’s Dynamic Equilibrium: Natural Hazards and Resource Management

Earth’s Dynamic Equilibrium

Heating and Density

The sun heats the Earth’s surface, warming the surrounding air. The core heats the planet’s interior. This uneven heating creates density differences, causing less dense materials to rise.

Water Cycle

The water cycle, powered by solar energy, distributes heat throughout the world’s oceans. This oceanic current cycle is sometimes called the “oceanic conveyor belt.”

Mantle Movements and Volcanoes

Mantle movements cause the ascent of deep materials, fueling

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Acid Rain and Table Salt: Chemistry and Environmental Impact

Acid Rain

Formation and Causes

Acid rain results from emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides from factories, power plants, metallurgical industries, and vehicles burning fossil fuels like coal and petroleum.


Water from clouds reacts with these oxides to form sulfuric and nitric acid, resulting in acid rain with a pH of 3-5.

Border Phenomenon

Primary atmospheric contaminants can travel long distances, carried by winds for hundreds or thousands of miles before being deposited through mist,

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Spain’s Natural Resources and Energy: A Comprehensive View

Natural Resources and Industry in Spain

Industrialization in Spain is influenced by natural and human factors, including economic, technical, and political considerations. Raw materials, essential for industrial use, are categorized as mineral (metallic and non-metallic) and organic (plant and animal).

Raw Materials

Mineral Raw Materials

Mineral raw materials are non-renewable but reusable.

Metallic Minerals
  • Iron: Abundant throughout Spain, though often of poor quality. The traditional mining area in
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Key Environmental Terms and Definitions


Environment: A complex system of abiotic elements (solar energy, soil, water, and air) and biotic elements (living organisms) that form the Earth’s biosphere, supporting life.

Pollution and Contamination

Pollution: The presence of substances, elements, or energy in the environment at concentrations exceeding legal limits, posing a risk to health and ecosystems.

Contaminant: Any element, compound, substance, or energy whose presence in the environment, at certain levels or durations, may

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Landscape Evolution: Relief, Weathering, and Erosion

7A Landscape and Relief Evolution

Relief is the aspect of the land surface shaped by biotic factors. Relief maps, or topográficos, represent this aspect. Classification uses descriptive and interpretive criteria.

Descriptive Classification

Relief forms are classified by their appearance.

Interpretive Classification

Based on the processes leading to relief forms.

Weathering and Erosion

Weathering: The breakdown of rocks due to environmental agents, fracturing and changing their minerals.

Erosion: The evacuation

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Building Construction: From Foundations to Demolition

Pillars and Chains

Chains, also known as Q beams, are structural elements that resist loads. They can be made of wood, steel, concrete, HA, or a combination of these materials. Chains behave similarly to beams in bending.


Pillars are structural elements that transmit loads to the supporting structures. They can be made of wood, steel, concrete, or HA.

Roof Structure

A roof structure is a combination of structural elements forming a lattice. These elements primarily experience axial loads.


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