Understanding the Iberian Plateau: Geography and Climate

The Iberian Plateau

The main unit is emphasized in Spanish geography and covers 45% of the surface. During the downhill movement, it is broken into two blocks: a northern sub-plateau with an altitude of 800-850 m surrounded by mountains, and a southern sub-plateau with an altitude of 500-700 m, consisting of two separated Alpine Toledo regions.

Mountain Ridges

Galicia-Massif: Lions of 200 square miles of mountainside and share of Galicia, Asturias Western Sierra, Montes de Toledo, Sierra Cabrera, and

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Plant Life: Deciduous Forests, Mediterranean Flora, and Mountain Vegetation

Plant Life Across Diverse Regions

Deciduous Forests: Galicia to the Pyrenees

  • Deciduous Forest: Dense, tall trees with flat, deciduous leaves. Often monospecific, dominated by oak and beech.
  • Man-made Forests: Chestnut, pine, and eucalyptus plantations.
  • Atlantic Scrub (Landa): Replaces degraded deciduous forests, characterized by gorse and heather.
  • Marcescent Forest: Formed by oaks. Semi-deciduous leaves that dry in the fall but remain until late winter.

Mediterranean Region Vegetation

Found in the Mediterranean

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The Solar System: Planets and Beyond

The Solar System

The Earth is the center of the universe and turns around the sun, the moon. The sun is the center of the universe.

Characteristics of Planets

  • Its mass should be sufficient to give it a nearly spherical shape.
  • Must have cleared its orbit.

Composition of the Solar System

  • Sun: A sphere of glowing gases that releases energy through thermonuclear reactions in its core.
  • Planets: Celestial bodies orbiting the sun.
    • Inner Planets: (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars): Near the sun, small, rocky, and with
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Understanding Genetics, Chemistry: Key Terms & Concepts

Key Concepts in Genetics and Chemistry

Mendel experimented by extracting traits from garden peas containing plant cells, including germinal elements, and placing them in the female gamete. He selected only 22 varieties of peas.

A gene is a specific sequence of nucleotides on one of the chromosomes, referenced to the scalar.

An allele is one of the alternative forms of a gene.

The genotype is an individual’s genetic content, their DNA.

The phenotype refers to the expression of the genotype in a specific

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Environmental Impacts and Sustainable Solutions


A set of physical-chemical, biological, and social components that can cause an effect on living beings.

Environmental Impact

The effects of the transformation of the natural environment.

Overexploitation of Plants and Animals

Ecosystem hunting has been replaced by captive breeding of species for common consumption. Fishing overexploitation occurs because the times required for the recovery of species are not respected. Agriculture removes endemic species to focus on monoculture of high

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Geological Eras: A Journey Through Time

Precambrian Era

The Precambrian era is characterized by the formation of crystalline basement rocks, which are the foundations of future continents. Glacial moraines indicate that the Canadian and Baltic masses were covered by an ice sheet. The era saw the emergence of chemical compounds, including organic compounds, which led to the formation of elementary bodies. The raw materials for processing would be the gases of the atmosphere (methane and ammonia) coupled with large shocks and radiation from

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