Landforms: Classification, Relief Types, and Geological Processes

Landform Classification and Interpretation

1 – When we observe a landscape, we perceive different elements simultaneously. The relief is the aspect of the Earth’s surface, regardless of biotic elements.

Descriptive Classification of Landforms

Landforms are classified by their appearance:

  • Mountain: Isolated relief with a large gap between its base and top.
  • Cerro: Isolated relief with little unevenness.
  • Gorge or Throat: Narrow valley bottom featuring steep walls on either side.
  • Plateau: Isolated, flat-topped
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Plate Tectonics: Earth’s Dynamic Crust and Seismic Activity

**Borders Neutral**

Borders neutral: Only collide and slide; therefore, the lithosphere is neither created nor destroyed. They can have volcanism. Example: San Andreas Fault.

**Tapering Edges**

Tapering edges: Also called destructive edges. The oceanic crust is destroyed. Their types are:

  • Ocean-continent: The oceanic crust is introduced into the continental crust, which makes mountains climb (Andes).
  • Ocean-ocean: The oceanic crust is introduced into a mixed crust (Japan).
  • Continent-continent: Both are
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Earth’s Magnetic Field and Rock Magnetization: Key Concepts

Earth’s Magnetic Field and Rock Magnetization

Types of Rock Magnetization

a) Sedimentary Rock (Detrital Remanent Magnetism)

Origin: Magnetic minerals align with the Earth’s magnetic field during sediment deposition. This alignment is locked in when the sediment lithifies into rock.

Example: Magnetite in sandstone aligns during deposition and retains the Earth’s magnetic field direction.

b) Metamorphic Rock (Thermoremanent Magnetism)

Origin: During metamorphism, rocks heat up and lose their magnetization.

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Earth and the Universe: Formation, Movements, and Relief

1st Item: The Earth and the Universe

1. The Earth, a Planet of the Solar System

The universe contains all celestial bodies in space: stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets. Stars are celestial bodies with their own light and heat, grouped into galaxies. Planets do not have their own light and form planetary systems around a star. The solar system is composed of eight planets and the Sun. The Earth is a planet in the solar system, shaped like a sphere flattened at the poles. Its surface

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Key Economic Indicators: Understanding GDP, GNP, and RND

1. Macroeconomic Magnitudes

Macroeconomic magnitudes are the instruments economists use to determine the state of the economy.

2. What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within an economy during a specific period.

3. How are Economic Variations in GDP Expressed?

Economic variations can be expressed as GDP at factor cost (GDPfc) or GDP at market prices (GDPmp).

GDP at Factor Cost (GDPfc)

GDPfc measures the value of a country’s domestic

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Rocks and Minerals: Composition, Types, and Uses

Rock Formation and Classification

Rocks are natural aggregates consisting of one or more minerals. Minerals are natural solids with a crystalline structure. Rocks vary in composition and mineral proportions. The texture of a rock, such as grainy or banded, is its superficial aspect. The mineral association, which gives us its chemical composition, is the set of minerals that form the rock. The age of a rock can be determined through various methods, including analyzing fossils found within or nearby.

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