A Glossary of Interest Group and Lobbying Terms

527 Organization

A political group organized under section 527 of the IRS code that may accept and spend unlimited amounts of money on election activities so long as they are not spent on broadcast ads run in the last 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election in which a clearly identified candidate is referred to and a relevant electorate is targeted.

Amicus Curiae Brief

Literally, a “friend of the court” brief, filed by an individual or organization to present arguments in

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A Glossary of Political Interest Groups and Lobbying

527 Organization

A political group organized under section 527 of the IRS code that may accept and spend unlimited amounts of money on election activities, so long as they are not spent on broadcast ads run in the last 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election in which a clearly identified candidate is referred to and a relevant electorate is targeted.

Amicus Curiae Brief

Literally, a “friend of the court” brief, filed by an individual or organization to present arguments in

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Human and Nonhuman Communication: A Comparative Analysis

  1. Common Features of Language and Nonhuman Communication
    • Arbitrariness
    • Productivity
    • Interchangeability
    • Displacement
    • Specialization
    • Cultural Transmission
  2. Arbitrariness
    • Definition: Absence of intrinsic relation between communication element (speech sound) and thing or event to which it refers (referent)
    • Iconic Relationship: Existence of such a relationship between element (e.g. gesture) and its referent
    • Importance: Utterance is not “married” to meaning, such as this gibbon’s warning call
  3. Arbitrariness (Examples)
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Procesos Cognitivos: Percepción, Memoria y el Paradigma Cognitivista

Procesos Cognitivos

Los procesos cognitivos son las funciones mentales que nos permiten procesar, almacenar, recordar y usar la información del entorno. Son esenciales para la percepción, el aprendizaje, la memoria, el pensamiento y la resolución de problemas. La cognición abarca actividades como la atención, la percepción, la memoria, el lenguaje, el pensamiento y la toma de decisiones. A través de estos procesos, interpretamos el mundo y adaptamos nuestro comportamiento.

El Paradigma Cognitivista


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