Christian Reconquista: Kingdoms, Society & Economy
The Christian Reconquista of Al-Andalus
How did Christians occupy these territories? They profited from the division among the Andalusians and the civil wars in Al-Andalus. Peasants occupied the territory and formed small villages in a process of repopulation.
What did the kings do to promote repopulation? The kings gave privileges, called Fueros, to the towns. These privileges included the exemption of tributes or the forgiveness of crimes. They also gave lands to the military orders.
The Turning
Read MoreSpain’s Political and Social Transformations
Privacy Policy Floridablanca: The isolation seemed to be the best resource, and relations with France were cut off. The Inquisition was charged with threatening suspects and illustrated the country’s close ties to political advertising. Halfway between the reformists and liberalism, Jovellanos took the opportunity to write his report on the agrarian law, which enshrined the value of private property and individual interests. Under the charge of anti-Christian sentiment, all French publications were
Read MoreLate 18th Century Revolutions: America and France
1. English North American Colonies in the 18th Century
In the eighteenth century, Britain had managed to conquer the entire east coast of what is now the United States, expelling the Native Americans, as well as the Dutch and Swedes. Thirteen independent colonies were created, each with different laws but with a single King of England, and whose laws were made by the English Parliament. In general, the new colonies were occupied by free men. They were not interested in the poor lands of the nobility,
Franco’s Regime: Political Evolution and International Relations
Political Developments of Franco’s Regime
A few months after the conclusion of the Spanish Civil War, World War II began, which would be decisive in Franco’s politics. During World War II (1939-1945), Spain maintained friendship with the fascist powers, as their aid had been crucial in the Civil War, and the Regime shared a similar ideology. When the war began, the Spanish government declared itself neutral, knowing that the country was not able to participate in a new war. The fascist side’s initial
Read MoreEuropean Union: Origins and Expansion 1950-2007
The European Union: Origins and Evolution
During the 20th century, two World Wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) occurred in less than 30 years, with Europe as their main stage. These wars left many European countries financially ruined, with long-lasting consequences for their populations. Many small European countries required American aid (the Marshall Plan) for reconstruction. Some European leaders recognized the necessity of uniting to compete with major superpowers (the U.S., USSR, and later Japan)
Read MoreSpain’s Ominous Decade & Latin America Independence
The Ominous Decade (1823-1833) and the Emancipation of Latin America
The Ominous Decade, as it was known by liberals, began the same day that Ferdinand VII was released by the Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis. He issued a decree annulling all legislation passed during the Liberal Triennium. The new monarch was to return to the Old Regime and absolutism. Immediately, repression against liberals began. Riego was hanged in Madrid in November. Although the Inquisition was not restored, Faith Seals
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