Ancient Civilizations and the Evolution of Humanity
History and Related Disciplines
History: Studies of past events relating to humans and human societies.
Ethnology: The study of human beings and their cultures.
Archaeology: The study of ancient monuments and past civilizations.
Paleolithic Period
The first period marked by cultural achievements of various social groups on Earth.
Castes: Social classes that divide a closed society.
History: From Graphic Testimony to Written Records
History begins when humans start leaving graphic testimonies
Read More18th Century Spanish Bourbon Dynasty & Reforms
The Eighteenth-Century Dynastic Change
The first three Bourbon kings of Spain (Philip V, Ferdinand VI, and Charles III) implemented significant political and administrative reforms, leading to a more centralized and unified monarchy. One of the most crucial changes was the strengthening of the monarchy’s legal and institutional framework.
In the eighteenth century, the powers of the councils (virreinatos) were diminished, with some functions transferred to the Secretaries of State and the Royal Office.
Read More16th-Century Spain: Economy, Society, Culture, and the Inquisition
16th-Century Spain: Economy, Society, and Culture
7.4. Economy, Society, and Culture
During the 16th century, Spain experienced population growth despite emigration to the Americas. In the late 15th century, Castile had 5 million people, Aragon 800,000, and Navarra 120,000. Most of the population was rural. However, the Hispanic population decreased by the end of the century due to the expulsion of the Jews, the departure of the Moors from Granada, emigration to America, epidemics, and
Read MoreSpain’s Restoration Era (1875-1931): Alfonso XII & the Cánovas System
The Reign of Alfonso XII and the Restoration in Spain (1875-1931)
The Restoration period in Spain spans from 1875, following the Glorious Revolution and the Democratic Sexenio, to 1931, with the proclamation of the Second Republic. It can be divided into two phases separated by the year 1898, marked by the loss of the last overseas colonies. The first phase corresponds to the reign of Alfonso XII and the regency of Maria Cristina of Habsburg. From 1902 onwards, a deep crisis emerged, coinciding with
Read MorePeripheral Nationalisms in Spain: Opposition to the Restoration System
Opposition to the Restoration System: Peripheral Nationalisms
Minority Political Parties
Besides the two major political parties that alternated in power, there were other, minority parties. These were legalized but had few members and received very few votes. They viewed the system as corrupt because they were excluded from important decisions. They were very active in academia and the press, organizing demonstrations against the regime. These parties organized during the reign of Alfonso XII and
Read MoreThe Spanish Restoration (1874-1931): Politics, Constitution & Key Figures
The Spanish Restoration (1874-1931)
Summary of Item 10
The last paragraph states that the courts reflect the political viewpoint, as noted and translated in the 1876 Constitution. Accepting the crown would not conflict with other courts. The table highlights the “turnismo” of Canovas and Sagasta through the voting boxes. In 1891, universal suffrage was restored in Spain. Sandhurst received 85% of the votes in ’91, and the other 25% two years later would be… It is this alternation of power that constitutes
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