Tsarist Russia to Stalin’s Dictatorship: Key Events

Tsarist Russia in the Early 20th Century

Tsarist Russia in the early twentieth century faced high general social and political unrest. The Tsar was supported by the nobility and the Orthodox Church. Opposition wings of politics emerged due to nineteenth-century industrialization, poverty, and state-driven economic policies following the abolition of peasant feudal bondage in 1861. Supporters of opposition included populist-agrarian groups. The Bolshevik Revolution aimed at creating a proletariat

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The Rise of Liberalism in Spain: Isabel II’s Reign

We aim to explain why state assets were sold off in 1836 and the role of the liberal government in this process.

This action was part of a larger project to consolidate a liberal political system, an effort that had been attempted and frustrated in 1812 (Constitution of 1812) and during the Liberal Triennium (1820-1823).

The liberal system finally prevailed during the reign of Isabel II (1833-1868). However, the initial years were challenging.

The death of Fernando VII in 1833 coincided with the outbreak

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Spanish Second Republic: History and Reforms

The Second Spanish Republic

Following the end of the dictatorship and the proclamation of the Second Republic.

The dictatorship fell in January 1930. The country lacked normal political life. Dámaso Berenguer led the ‘Dictablanda’. In August 1930, a pact was established in San Sebastian between republican parties, Catalan nationalists, intellectuals, and PSOE members (the PSOE had an internal division between Republicans and Socialists), and former monarchists. The aim was to organize a revolutionary

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The Canova System: Spanish Restoration Politics


Over 1874, Cánovas del Castillo worked to restore the constitutional monarchy. With this objective, Alfonsino created the game and pressed the queen to abdicate in favor of his son. He published the Manifesto of Sandhurst, with the future king promising to establish in Spain a genuine constitutional rule.

General Martínez Campos at Sagunto ruled in favor of Alfonso XII, and Cánovas seized power, constituting the Ministry-Regency.

Three problems threatened the nation: the internal pacification

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Key Historical Events in Spanish Colonization of the Americas

In 1492, the Spanish kings signed the contract with Columbus of Santa Fe, which established that the seaman would receive a lifetime and hereditary title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea.

The first negotiation involved the participation of Pope Alexander VI who, by the Bulls of Demarcation (1493), granted the new continent to the Spanish crown.

Treaty of Tordesillas

The Treaty of Tordesillas established that an imaginary line from pole to pole divided the land into two: east for Portugal and west for Spain.

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Spain’s Second Republic: Reforms, Constitution, and Opposition

The Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939)

Alfonso XIII fled the country after the Republicans won the elections on April 14, 1931. He attempted to restore constitutional normality, but lacked support from monarchists. The opposition signed the Pact of San Sebastian to establish the Republic.

The Second Republic aimed to address long-standing issues in Spanish society. During its initial phase, the Biennium Reform, an ambitious project was undertaken to modernize Spain.

The Provisional Government and

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