Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Essentials
Posted by admin on Mar 23, 2025 in Horticultural and Gardening Engineering | 0 comments
Chapter 7: IEEE 32-bit Float
IEEE 32-bit float representation includes:
- 1 sign bit
- An 8-bit biased exponent. To calculate, normalize the binary number to the 1.xxxx form, and add 127 (127 = 01111111 in binary).
- 23 bits for the fraction (mantissa), using the binary number after the decimal.
Chapter 11: Assembly Language
General Purpose Registers
Registers hold temporary data and instructions:
- %rdi (edi), %rsi (esi), %rdx (edx), %rcx, %rbx, %rax
- %rsp: Stack Pointer – Points to the top of the stack.
- %rbp: Base
Recent Notes
- Accounting and Finance
- Administration and Management
- Advertising
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Advertising Communication
- Aeronautical Management
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Vehicle Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agriculture
- Air Navigation Engineering
- Airports
- Ancient Sciences and Languages
- Applied Francophone Studies
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- Applied Statistics
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Archaeology
- Architecture
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- Arts and Humanities
- Audiovisual Communication
- Audiovisual Communication and Journalism
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Building and Civil Works
- Business Administration and Innovation Management
- Business Administration and Management (BAM)
- Business Management
- Business Management and Marketing
- Business Sciences
- Business Statistics
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Cinema
- Cinema and Television
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Civil Engineering, Civil Constructions
- Civil Engineering, Transportation, and Urban Services
- Commerce
- Commerce and Marketing
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- Commercial and Marketing Management
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- Commercialization and Logistics
- Communication
- Communication and Cultural Industries
- Computational Mathematics
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Engineering in Computer Engineering
- Computer Engineering in Systems and Information Technologies
- Computer Engineering-Computer Technologies
- Computers
- Computing and Communications
- Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
- Construction Engineering
- Contemporary Music Composition
- Creation and Design
- Criminological and Security Sciences
- Criminology
- Criminology and Public Prevention Policies
- Criminology and Security
- Cultural Communication
- Design
- Design and Engineering
- Development, Commercial Management, and Market Strategies
- Early Childhood and Primary Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Education Teacher (Teaching Degree)
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- Economics and Journalism
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- Electronics
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- English
- English and Catalan Studies
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- English Language and Literature
- English Studies
- English Studies. Language, Literature, and Culture
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- Environmental Sciences
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- Foreign Languages
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- French
- French Studies
- Galician and Portuguese. Linguistic and Literary Studies
- Galician and Spanish Studies
- Genetics
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- Geography and Environment
- Geography and History
- Geography, Regional Planning, and Environmental Management
- Geology
- Graphic Arts
- Greek
- Health and Nursing
- Health Biology
- Healthcare
- Hispanic Philology
- History
- History and Heritage
- History and Music Sciences
- Horticultural and Gardening Engineering
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Hotel Administration and Management
- Human Biology
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Humanities
- Humanities and Cultural Studies
- Humanities and Social Anthropology
- ICT Systems Engineering
- Image and Sound
- Industrial Chemical Process Engineering
- Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
- Industrial Design Engineering
- Industrial Organization
- Industrial Process Engineering
- Information and Documentation
- Information Consulting and Management
- Information Systems
- Information Systems Engineering
- Installation and Maintenance
- Interior Design Projects
- International Business
- International Business Economics
- International Economics and Business
- International Relations
- International Trade
- Justice
- Labor Relations and Human Resources
- Labor Relations and Human Resources Development
- Labor Sciences and Human Resources
- Landscaping
- Language
- Latin
- Law
- Law & Jurisprudence
- Law and Journalism
- Legal Sciences of Public Administrations
- Linguistics
- Linguistics and Applied Languages
- Literary Studies
- Local Administration
- Management Assistance
- Marine Sciences
- Maritime-Fishing
- Marketing
- Marketing and Commercial Management
- Marketing and Market Research
- Materials Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Manufacturing
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Medicine
- Medicine & Health
- Microbiology
- Modern Languages
- Modern Languages and Literatures
- Modern Languages and Management
- Modern Languages and their Literatures
- Modern Languages and Translation
- Modern Languages, Culture, and Communication
- Modern Philology. English
- Music
- Musicology
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Naval Architecture
- Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
- Naval Architecture and Marine Systems Engineering
- Nursing
- Optics and Optometry
- Organization Engineering
- Other civil servant exams
- Other languages
- Other subjects
- Other university degrees and diplomas
- Other vocational courses
- Pedagogy
- Performing Arts
- Personal Image
- Pharmacy
- Philology
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and ethics
- Photography and Digital Creation
- Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
- Physical and Sports Activities
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Police Sciences and Public Security
- Political and Administration Sciences
- Political Sciences
- Political Sciences and Public Management
- Primary Education
- Primary Education Teacher (Teaching Degree)
- Psychology
- Psychology and Sociology
- Public Administration, Management, and Governance
- Real Estate Sciences
- Religion
- Renewable Energy Engineering
- Road Engineering Technology
- Romance Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- Safety and Environment
- Security and Emergencies
- Security Forces and Corps
- Service Computing
- Ship Propulsion and Services Engineering
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Social Anthropology
- Social Education
- Social sciences
- Social Work
- Sociocultural and Community Services
- Sociology
- Software Engineering
- Spanish
- Spanish and Classical Studies
- Spanish Language and Hispanic Literatures
- Spanish Language and its Literature
- Spanish Language and Literature
- Spanish, Linguistic and Literary Studies
- Sports Management
- State Administration
- Statistics
- Statistics and Business
- Tax Administration
- Taxation and Public Administration
- Teaching & Education
- Technology
- Telecommunication and Multimedia Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Telecommunication Sciences and Technologies
- Telecommunication Systems, Sound, and Image Engineering
- Telecommunication Technologies
- Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
- Textile Technology and Design Engineering
- Tourism
- Tourism and International Management of Tourism and Leisure Activities
- Tourism Management
- Training and Employment Advise
- Translation
- Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
- Translation and Interpreting
- Translation and Interpreting. English-German
- Transport and Vehicle Maintenance
- Trilingual Biblical Philology
- Veterinary Medicine
- Visual arts
- Wood, Furniture and Cork