Irregular Verbs in English: A Comprehensive List
Here is a comprehensive list of irregular verbs in English, presented with their infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms:
- Awake, awoke, awoken
- Be, was/were, been
- Bear, bore, borne
- Be born, was/were born, been born
- Beat, beat, beaten
- Become, became, become
- Begin, began, begun
- Bend, bent, bent
- Bind, bound, bound
- Bite, bit, bitten
- Blow, blew, blown
- Break, broke, broken
- Breed, bred, bred
- Bring, brought, brought
- Build, built, built
- Burn, burnt/burned, burnt/burned
- Buy, bought, bought
- Can, could, (been able
Essential Phrases for Business Meetings and Customer Service
Essential Phrases for Business Communication
Welcome: Bienvenido a…
On behalf of… welcome: De parte de… bienvenido a…
It’s nice to meet you in person: Es un placer conocerte en persona
How was your journey?: ¿Cómo fue su viaje?
Did you have any trouble finding us?: ¿Tuviste algún problema para encontrarnos?
Come this way: Ven por aquí
Can I get you a coffee?: ¿Puedo traerte un café?
Let me take your coat: Déjame tomar tu abrigo
Have a seat: Tomar asiento
I’ll run through today’s program:
Read MoreCommon Irregular Verbs and Their Forms
Irregular Verbs List
Base Form, Past Simple, and Past Participle
This is a list of common irregular verbs in English, showing their base form, past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation:
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Translation (Spanish) |
Smell | Smelt/Smelled | Smelt/Smelled | Oler |
Speak | Spoke | Spoken | Hablar |
Spell | Spelt/Spelled | Spelt/Spelled | Deletrear |
Spend | Spent | Spent | Gastar / (Pasar tiempo) |
Spill | Spilt/Spilled | Spilt/Spilled | Derramar (se) |
Spoil | Spoilt/Spoiled | Spoilt/Spoiled | Arruinar/Estropear |
Spread | Spread | Spread | Untar/ |
Irregular Verbs List: Past, Present, and Future
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
English Verb Conjugation: Present, Past, and Past Participle
This table provides a list of common English verbs with their present, past, and past participle forms, along with their Spanish translations. Use this table to improve your understanding of English verb conjugation.
Irregular Verbs
Present | Past | Past Participle | Spanish |
teach | taught | taught | Enseñar |
wet | wet | wet | Mojar |
bet | bet | bet | Apostar |
hurt | hurt | hurt | Lastimar |
let | let | let | Permitir |
shut | shut | shut | Cerrar |
send | sent | sent | Enviar |
sink | sank | sunk | Hundir |
shine | shone | shone | Brillar |
build | built | built | Construir |
spend | spent | spent | Gastar |
wear | wore | worn | Llevar puesto |
steal | stole | stolen | Robar |
swear | swore | sworn | Jurar |
sell | sold | sold | Vender |
grow | grew | grown | Crecer |
hold | held | held | Sostener |
know | knew | known | Conocer |
buy | bought | bought | Comprar |
speak | spoke | spoken | Hablar |
write | wrote | written | Escribir |
Read MoreIrregular Verbs: Base, Past Simple, Past Participle
Irregular Verbs in English
Base Form, Past Simple, and Past Participle with Spanish Translation
This is a comprehensive list of irregular verbs in English, including their base form, past simple, past participle, and Castilian (Spanish) translation.
Note: Some verbs have two accepted forms in the past simple and past participle (e.g., burned/burnt). Both are considered correct.
Irregular Verbs List (A-L)
- Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Castilian (Spanish)
- be | was / were | been | ser, estar
- beat