Irregular Verbs List: Master English Verb Conjugation
Irregular Verbs in English
Here’s a list of common irregular verbs in English, showing the base form, past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation:
- Make made made hacer
- Mean meant meant significar
- Meet met met encontrar(se)
- Overcome overcame overcome vencer
- Pay paid paid pagar
- Put put put poner
- Read read read leer
- Ride rode ridden montar
- Ring rang rung sonar
- Rise rose risen levantarse
- Run ran run correr
- Saw sawed sawn serrar
- Say said said decir
- See saw seen ver
- Seek sought sought buscar
- Sell sold sold vender(
English Irregular Verbs with Basque Translations
Here’s a table of common English irregular verbs, along with their Basque translations:
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle | Basque Translation |
Be | Was / Were | Been | Izan / Egon |
Become | Became | Become | Irabazi |
Begin | Began | Begun | Hasi |
Break | Broke | Broken | Apurtu |
Build | Built | Built | Eraiki |
Burst | Burst | Burst | Lehertu |
Buy | Bought | Bought | Erosi |
Catch | Caught | Caught | Harrapa |
Come | Came | Come | Etorri |
Cost | Cost | Cost | Kostatu |
Do | Did | Done | Egin |
Drink | Drank | Drunk | Edan |
Drive | Drove | Driven | Gidatu |
Eat | Ate | Eaten | Jan |
Fall | Fell | Fallen | Erori |
Feel | Felt | Felt | Sentitu |
Find | Found | Found | Aurkitu |
Flee | Fled | Fled | Ihes |
English Verb Conjugation: Past, Participle
English Verb Conjugation
Regular Verbs
Present | Past | Past Participle | Meaning (Spanish) |
Bake | Baked | Baked | Hornear |
Babble | Babbled | Babbled | Balbucear |
Bait | Baited | Baited | Cebar/Azuzar |
Balance | Balanced | Balanced | Nivelar |
Bandage | Bandaged | Bandaged | Vendar |
Banish | Banished | Banished | Ahuyentar/Desterrar |
Baptize | Baptized | Baptized | Bautizar |
Bare | Bared | Bared | Desnudar |
Bark | Barked | Barked | Ladrar |
Bargain | Bargained | Bargained | Regatear |
Baste | Basted | Basted | Hilvanar/Pringar |
Battle | Battled | Battled | Batallar |
Bat | Batted | Batted | Batear |
Batter | Battered | Battered | Golpear |
Beg | Begged | Begged | Rogar |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved | Comportarse |
Behead | Beheaded | Beheaded | Decapitar |
Belong | Belonged | Belonged | Pertenecer |
Bereave | Bereft/ |
Irregular Verbs in English: Base Form, Past Simple, Participle
Irregular Verb Forms
The following table lists common irregular verbs in English, along with their past simple and past participle forms, and their Spanish translation:
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Traducción |
Lend | Lent | Lent | Prestar |
Let | Let | Let | Permitir |
Lie | Lay | Lain | Mentir |
Light | Lit | Lit | Encender |
Lose | Lost | Lost | Perder |
Make | Made | Made | Hacer |
Mean | Meant | Meant | Significar |
Meet | Met | Met | Encontrar(se) |
Overcome | Overcame | Overcome | Superar |
Pay | Paid | Paid | Pagar |
Put | Put | Put | Poner |
Quit | Quit | Quit | Dejar |
Read | Read | Read | Leer |
Ride | Rode | Ridden | |
Ring | Rang | Rung | Llamar |
Rise | Rose | Risen | Levantarse |
Run | Ran | Run | Correr |
Say | Said | Said | Decir |
See | Saw | Seen | Ver |
Sell | Sold | Sold | Vender |
Send | Sent | Sent | Enviar |
Set | Set | Set | Poner |
English Verb Conjugation: Regular and Irregular Verbs
Pronunciation of Regular Verbs: /t/ Sound
Regular verbs ending in /t/ sound when -ed is added.
Infinitive | Past Tense | -ed Pronunciation | Past Participle | -ed Pronunciation | Meaning (Spanish) |
To Ask | Asked | /t/ | Asked | /t/ | Preguntar |
To Cook | Cooked | /t/ | Cooked | /t/ | Cocinar |
To Dance | Danced | /t/ | Danced | /t/ | Bailar |
To Develop | Developed | /t/ | Developed | /t/ | Desarrollar |
To Dress | Dressed | /t/ | Dressed | /t/ | Vestirse |
To Fix | Fixed | /t/ | Fixed | /t/ | Reparar/Fijar |
To Help | Helped | /t/ | Helped | /t/ | Ayudar |
To Jump | Jumped | /t/ | Jumped | /t/ | Saltar |
To Kiss | Kissed | /t/ | Kissed | /t/ | Besar |
To Knock | Knocked | /t/ |
English Tenses and Grammar: A Comprehensive Reference
English Tenses
Present Simple
Affirmative: Person + verb (s/es). Negative: Person + don’t/doesn’t + verb (infinitive). Interrogative: Do/Does + person + verb (infinitive)?
Present Continuous
Affirmative: Am/is/are + person + verb + ing (e.g., I am eating).
Past Simple
Affirmative: Person + 2nd column (past tense) of the verb. Negative: Person + didn’t + verb (infinitive). Interrogative: Did + person + verb (infinitive)?
Past Continuous
Affirmative: Person + was/were + verb + ing.
Present Perfect Simple
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