Semantic Change: Types and False Friends
Semantic Change
Types of Semantic Change
Foreign influence
- French parlement “speaking” > “judicial court” > “legislative assembly”
Metaphoric transfer
- The name of an object is transferred to another object similar to it. An imagined link is established between two concepts.
- insult < Latin insultare < in + saltare
- grasp “take hold of something”
- expire < of expirer < Latin ex + spirare
- mouse “rodent” > “computer device”.
Metonymic transfer
- Metonymic transfer may happen
Concordance Analysis in Discourse: Unveiling Newspaper Narratives
Understanding Concordance and Its Significance
A concordance is an alphabetical list of the principal words used in a book or body of work, listing each instance of each word with its immediate context. In corpus linguistics, it is a list of all the occurrences of a particular search term in a corpus, presented within the context in which they occur, usually a few words to the left and right of the search term. A concordance is also referred to as KWIC (Key Word In Context), where the “key word”
Read MoreMastering Game Controls, Villagers, Commands, and Essential Items
Joystick Controls
- UP: Move forwards
- RIGHT: Move Right
- LEFT: Move Left
- DOWN: Move Backwards
- Crouch
- + Shield in hand: Use shield (forces crouch)
- + Up: Look up
- + Right: Look Right
- + Left: Look Left
- + Down: Look down
Button Controls
- Jump
- Critical Damage (While falling back to the ground after jumping)
- +
: Move item in inventory
- Select item in inventory
- Drop item
- Exit Menu
- Open Inventory
- (Functionality unknown)
- Block selector (allows you to pick the block in front of you for faster building)
- Scroll to next item in hot bar
- Scroll
Franchise Agreements in Spanish Tourism: Legal Framework
Forms of Inter-Company Collaboration in Tourism: Contracts Between Tourism Businesses
Franchise Agreements in Spain
In Spain, there is no specific legislation that regulates franchises. The legal description can be found in article 2 of Real Decreto 2485/1998, de 13 de noviembre, which regulates the exercise of commercial activity under a franchise regime and the communication of data to the registry of franchisors. This decree develops article 62 of Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero, de Ordenación del
Read MoreInternational Trade: Exporting, Documents, and Risk Management
Exporting Benefits and Risks
Benefits: Improve competitiveness, spread risk, increase visibility, improve market position, better resource utilization.
Risks: Knowledge loss abroad, lack of personal contact, different payment terms, costs of exporting, exchange rate fluctuation.
Company and Product Readiness for Export
Company Readiness: Production capacity, barriers abroad, adequate personnel, power of substitutes abroad, new departments.
Product Readiness: Competitive in the new market, product adaptability,
Read MoreMicrosoft Office: Mastering Key Features and Functions
Change Case in Microsoft Word
In Microsoft Word, the “Change Case” feature allows you to modify the case of selected text. There are five types of change case:
- Sentence case: Converts the first letter of each sentence to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
- Lowercase: Converts all selected text to lowercase.
- Uppercase: Converts all selected text to uppercase.
- Capitalize Each Word: Converts the first letter of each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
- Toggle Case: Switches the case of each letter