Key Figures of Medieval and Renaissance Europe

Philosophers and Scholars

Roger Bacon: An English philosopher and Franciscan friar who emphasized the study of nature through empirical methods. He is credited as one of the earliest European advocates of the modern scientific method, inspired by Aristotle.

Geoffrey of Monmouth: A cleric and one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur.

Geoffrey Chaucer: Known as the father of English literature, he is widely considered the greatest

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Winemaking: Process, Regions, and Key Factors

Winemaking Process

Still Wine

Harvest > Destem and Crush > Put it in barrels of oak or stainless steel > Put the cap > Take skins and seeds > What we have left is the must > and then we do maceration with the must (skin contact) > then we do the alcoholic fermentation (yeasts, sugars = Ethanol, CO2, and alcohol) > and that would be the wine > oak aging or bottle aging.

Sparkling Wine

Base wine > we do second fermentation which is the: wine + yeasts + sugars, CO2, Ethanol,

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