Inside TV Studios: Equipment, Sets, and Key Roles

The Physical Space of a TV Studio

The studio is designed to control light and sound. The studio floor is flat and clean, allowing cameras to move smoothly around the set. The walls can be constructed of many types of material, such as cinderblock, brick, or concrete.

Large fabric curtains called cycloramas are common in television studios. Cycloramas, sometimes called “cycs,” come in many colors, and most studios will have two or more that surround all or most of the studio. The ceiling is high to

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TV News Production: Organization and Structure

TV News Production Process

C) Production Process:

The process involves preparation, production, and post-production. This includes news monitoring, searching for or using outside sources, coverage, collection or logging of news, post-production, final editing, news selection, and assessment.

The TV News Team:

  • Director
  • Assistant Director or Editor
  • Information Area Managers
  • Producer
  • Director
  • Documentarians

A team or reporter is entrusted with the news, covering and elaborating on the information. This is then

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