Key Concepts in Modern Software Development and OOP

Main Characteristics of Modern Software Development

A main characteristic of modern software development is:

  • Software products can get very complex
  • High-quality results are expected
  • Most projects add functionality to an existing product instead of developing a new one from scratch

Agile Process

The agile process is a repetitive spiral process. The steps from requirements gathering, architecting, designing, and implementation are repeated in cycles.

Strings in Double Quotes

Strings should be in double quotes.

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Understanding Compilers, Interpreters, and Language Translators

What is a Metacompiler and What Are Some Examples?

A metacompiler is a program that receives the specification of a language as input. It then generates a compiler for that language as output. The development of metacompilers faces the difficulty of uniting the code generation part with the analysis.

What is a Translator?

A translator is a program that translates or converts a text or program written in a source language into a text or program in a destination language, providing error messages if

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