Roofing Specifications and Materials List

Roof Coverings

0.6mm Colomet finished IBR roof sheeting to a pitch not exceeding 25 degrees, fixed to timber purlins.

  • 19.34
  • 12.07(A)
  • 2/2.30
  • 2.50 (B)
  • 18,836 + 2/250 = 19,336
  • 9,944 + 2/800 = 11,544
  • 11,544 ÷ cos 17° = 12,071

Sislation roofing insulation laid taut under roof coverings, fixed with straining wires at 400mm centers, etc.

  • 2/2.50


0.6mm Thick Colomet head wall flashing, 225mm girth.

Ditto, counter flashing to 135mm girth.


0.6mm Thick broad flute closer, suitable for IBR profile,

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Overhead Line Components: Supports, Insulators, Conductors


Supports are the elements that support the conductors and other components of an overhead line, separating the ground and the lines. They have to resist compression, bending forces, wind action, and other meteorological conditions.

Classification of Supports

  • Alignment Supports: Their function is to support the conductors and ground wires; they are used in straight alignments.
  • Angle Supports: Used to support conductors and ground wires at the vertices or angles that the line forms in its path.
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