Strategic Sales and Marketing: Building Customer Relationships

ABC Customer Classification

  • Group A: Represents 10% of clients, 75% of sales. Your most valuable customers. They should receive special attention and treatment. Any time spent on emails, in-person meetings, or phone calls with them is well worth it.
  • Group B: Represents 20% of clients, the next 15% of sales. Customers should not be ignored. With the right attention and encouragement, these items have the potential to become Group A customers.
  • Group C: Represents 70% of clients, making up the last 10%
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Distribution Strategies: Channels, Value, and Intermediaries

Distribution Strategy

  • Distribution/Marketing Channels
  • Placement or Distribution connects Production with Consumption, making products or services available to consumers.

It involves making a product or a service available for the consumer:

In the Quantity that the consumer demands

In the Moment when the consumer needs it

In the Place where the consumer wants to have it

Distribution creates three types of value:

  • Time Value: Consumers can purchase the product when they need it.
  • Place Value: Selling a product
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