Phonetics and Phonology in English and Spanish
Phonemic or Phonetic Transcription?
In ELT, the type most frequently employed is phonemic transcription for different reasons:
- It centers on the pronunciation difficulties posed by foreign learners to produce the different phonemes that make up the English phonological system and affect meaning, e.g. the fine distinctions of vowel quality necessary to produce the twelve pure English vowels, which should be our main concern as teachers and learners.
- It is more economical; it does not use so many symbols
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in EFL
Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom
UNIT 2: Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom. Verbal Communication. Non-Verbal Communication. Extralinguistic Strategies: Non-Verbal Reactions to Messages in Different Contexts.
0. Introduction
Every act that a human being performs has a communicative purpose. Non-verbal language not only supports verbal language but also conveys other meanings that are necessary to code and decode. Since the 1970s, the belief that language is a means of communication
Read MoreOral Language Skills in Primary Education
Unit 7: Oral Language
Oral Language. The complexity of global listening comprehension: from hearing to active, selective understanding. Moving into speech: from imitation to free production.
0. Introduction
Learning a language usually has a main practical objective: to communicate in that language. But communicating in a language is a complex activity that implies mastering a set of skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Communicative competence is therefore acquired by being competent
Read MoreAudiolingual Method: Theory, Techniques, and Classroom Practices
Audiolingual Method (ALM) Theory
The descriptive practices of structural linguistics suggested a number of hypotheses about language learning. Since speech was held to be primary and writing secondary, it was assumed that language teaching should focus on mastery of speech and that writing, or even written prompts, should be withheld until reasonably late in the language learning process. Since the structure is what is important and unique about a language, early practice should focus on mastery
Read MoreEnglish Phonological System: Sounds & Pronunciation
Unit 9: The English Phonological System
Unit 9: Description of the English Phonological System. Pronunciation Models and Learning Techniques. Perception, Discrimination, and Emission of Sounds, Intonation, Rhythm, and Stress. Phonetic Correction.
0. Introduction
Sound is the most universal and natural medium for the transmission of language. We possess the ability to produce speech by using our body’s speech mechanism. The speech chain can be summarized in three stages: production, transmission, and
Read MoreMastering English Phonology: A Comprehensive Analysis
English Phonological System: Models and Learning Techniques
This essay explores the English phonological system, dividing the topic into five parts. First, we will distinguish between phonetics and phonology, focusing on vowels and consonants. Second, we will describe segmental (vowel and consonant systems) and suprasegmental features (stress/accent, rhythm, and intonation). Next, we will introduce the importance of a pronunciation model. Then, we will focus on teaching and learning pronunciation,
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